Arctic eTalks
Arctic eTalks is hosted by “The Watch” Command Magazine, United States Northern Command, United States European Command, United States Indo-Pacific Command and the Center for Arctic Security and Resilience.
Arctic eTalks is a monthly forum for open discussion (non-attribution) on key issues affecting the Circumpolar Arctic for academics, defense and security professionals, and military leaders from Canada, Finland, Iceland, Kingdom of Denmark (Greenland and Faroe Islands), Norway, Sweden, and the United States
Partners Include:
- Royal Danish Defence College
- Ministry of Defence: United Kingdom
- William J. Perry Center, National Defense University
- NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence
- Norwegian Institute for International Affairs
- Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies
- North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network (NAADSN)
- United States Coast Guard
Arctic eTalks for March 2021 features Commodore James A. Clarke
: Commodore James A. Clarke is the Deputy Director of the Strategy, Policy and Plans
Directorate North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and United States Northern
Command (USNORTHCOM), Peterson AFB, Colorado. He is a native of Sarnia Ontario, the
grandson of a First World War Army Officer and a third generation Canadian Armed Forces
member. After completion of the Joint Command and Staff program, Commodore Clarke
was appointed as the Commander of Submarine Division in Halifax while concurrently
fulfilling the duties as Commander Submarine Sea Training. He then enjoyed a tremendously
busy appointment as the Commanding Officer of the HALIFAX Class Frigate HMCS ST. JOHN'S,
a tour that included two counter narcotic missions in the Caribbean, a patrol in the
Canadian Arctic as well as participation in exercises in Europe and on the US Eastern
Seaboard. Commodore Clarke then completed second language training and was subsequently
promoted and appointed to Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters as Assistant Chief
of Staff Operations as well as the Commander of the Canadian Submarine Force. In August
2014, he assumed the additional role as Commander of the Fourth Maritime Operations
Group. Commodore Clarke is a 2008 graduate of the Canadian Forces College and a 2018
graduate of the United States Naval War College’s ý Naval Command College.
Along with those diplomas, he holds an undergraduate degree from the University of
Western Ontario where he majored in mathematics and Master’s degrees from the University
of New Brunswick (engineering) and the Royal Military College of Canada (Defence Studies).
Presentation Recording: