ࡱ> GIF '!bjbj .4n84">L(       ,R!$99N^  :{,r d0.$$99$ h:   Sample Budget Justification Use the same cost categories that the funding agency uses. This example uses the National Science Foundations cost categories. Salaries: 2.0 mos. per year (348 hours at *$xx/hour) is requested for the PI to administer the project, and 1.0 mo. per year (174 hours at *$xx/hour) is requested for the Co-I to conduct the fieldwork. Support is also budgeted for 2 graduate students (academic year and summer) to assist in compiling the data. 1.5% leave reserve is included on faculty salaries; salaries include a 2.9% inflation increase for faculty and 3.25% increase for staff each year. *(OSP Note: Per NSFs Grant Proposal Guide, Section C.2.g.(i)(b) Salaries & Wages, Procedures: The budget justification should detail the rates of pay by individual for senior personnel, postdoctoral associates, and other professionals.) You can use hourly/monthly/bi-weekly/etc. Benefits: Staff benefits are applied according to UAFs provisional negotiated benefit rates for FY14. Rates are 31.2% for faculty salaries and 8.2% for graduate students (summers only). Health insurance is included for the graduate students, per UAF policy. A copy of the rate agreement is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/" http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/ Travel: Domestic: 2 trips per year are requested for the PI and Co-I to travel from Fairbanks to Nome, AK to conduct fieldwork. 1 trip is budgeted per year to travel to San Francisco, CA for the PI to meet with collaborators. 1 trip is budgeted in Year 1 to travel to Anchorage, AK for a conference. Per diem (meals/incidentals/lodging) is budgeted at 7 days at $282/day for Nome and 5 days at $226/day for San Francisco in accordance with GSA/JTR Regulations. Per diem in Anchorage is 3 days at $159/day per UA Board of Regents regulations. Car rental is budget in San Francisco at $50/day. Foreign: 1 trip in Year 2 is budgeted for the Co-I to travel to Tokyo City, Japan to meet with collaborators and discuss findings. Per diem is $404 in accordance with JTR Regulations. Transportation to and from the airport is budgeted at $40/trip. (OSP Note: Travel includes airfare charges, transportation charges, per diem, and can also include extra bag charges, and related conference fees/meeting registration charges, depending on how these charges are processed at the departmental level. Lodging and per diem rates can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm" http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm, with the exception of 򽴫ý in-state meals and incidentals in Juneau, Fairbanks, or Anchorage which are set by the Board of Regents at $60/day.) Equipment: Funds are requested to purchase a scanning electron microscope ($5,500, quote attached) to analyze the samples collected during fieldwork. (OSP Note: The equipment threshold is $5,000, which matches federal standards. Quotes should be included for equipment requests.) Subawards: A subaward will be made to the University of Tokyo ($125,000 over 3 years) for their portion of the research analyzing samples collected locally in Japan and comparing them to the 򽴫ý samples. The University of Tokyo was selected because of their sole expertise in this field. A budget and narrative is attached for the subaward. Materials & Supplies: Funds are requested for field supplies such as data loggers and sample containers, and other general project supplies. (OSP Note: Any single item under $5,000. See the above note regarding equipment threshold. Project-specific computer systems and software will most likely fall into this category.) Other Direct Costs: Per UAF policy, in-state tuition costs are included for the graduate student (academic year only). Funds are requested for further sample analysis by SampleCorp., Inc. at $50/sample. Funds are also proposed for the UAF Analysis Lab to verify the integrity of the samples at $2/sample. $2,000 is requested for airlifting supplies to the field location per year. $500 per year is budgeted for toll/communication charges. $2,500 is requested for page charges/publication costs of the research findings. $500 is included for shipping the samples to and from collaborators. (OSP Note: This category should also include all other UAF Recharge Center costs, computer support services, participant support costs, vessel charters, animal care costs, consultants, etc.) (OSP Note: Costs that are normally not allowable as direct costs include: general office supplies, general computer supplies and software, administrative costs, general copying costs, general postage costs, office equipment, furniture, utilities, and dues/membership costs. These are usually recovered through F&A. Some of these such as postage costs, copying costs, office, and computer supplies are allowable if identifiable as project-specific. More information is available in UAFs CASB DS-2 Statement at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/controller/cost-analysis/downloads/Disclosure/UAF_Disclosure_Rec.pdf" http://www.alaska.edu/controller/cost-analysis/downloads/Disclosure/UAF_Disclosure_Rec.pdf) Indirect Costs: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs are negotiated with the Office of Naval Research. The provisional predetermined rate for sponsored research is 50% of the Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC). MTDC includes Total Direct Costs minus tuition, scholarships, subaward amounts over $25,000, and equipment. A copy of the agreement is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/" http://www.alaska.edu/cost-analysis/negotiation-agreements/. (OSP Note: Participant Support Costs are F&A exempt on NSF and some NIH proposals only. This is an NSF/NIH cost category that other sponsors do not use, and therefore should have F&A charged to it if submitting to a sponsor besides NSF or a relevant NIH program.) Alternative Indirect Cost Statement when the Sponsor Limits F&A Recovery: Facilitates and Administrative (F&A) Costs are calculated at xx.x% as per the proposal guidelines. Alternative Indirect Cost Statement when the Sponsor Prohibits F&A Recovery: Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs have not been included in the budget as per the proposal guidelines.     OSP Sample Budget Justification Updated: August 6, 2013 Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 2 )2RXj    ) * . 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