Arctic Leadership Initiative: Funding opportunities

The University of òòò½´«Ã½ is developing an Arctic Leadership Initiative to advance UA’s Arctic engagement, position òòò½´«Ã½ns as world leaders in Arctic issues, and amplify òòò½´«Ã½ Native voices in Arctic policy development.

The Arctic Leadership Initiative is designed to:

  • Position òòò½´«Ã½ns as world leaders in the Arctic;
  • Give students and early career professionals the foundation and network needed to lead in the changing Arctic; and
  • Enhance the reputation of UA’s universities as centers of Arctic expertise.

To help kick-start the initiative below are opportunities for staff, faculty, graduate students, professors, postdoctoral fellow and early career faculty:


Opportunity 1) Arctic Engagement Awards

Purpose: Expand UA’s Arctic engagement and visibility. A wide array of possible activities is eligible including research, curriculum development, student engagement, participation in a thematic network, support an exchange student, and more.

Available to faculty, staff, postdocs and graduate students.

Number of awards: Eight to 10 proposals will be funded.

Award amount: $5,000 to $20,000 for activities between May 2024 and June 2025.


Deadline: April 26. Proposals will be evaluated by a committee appointed by the vice president for academics, students and research. Selections will be announced by May 10.

All applications must be submitted via or by emailing a PDF to the Office of Academics, Students & Research Office.


Opportunity 2) President’s Arctic Professors

Purpose: Showcase and advance UA’s Arctic engagement in òòò½´«Ã½, nationally, and òòò½´«Ã½ly.

Up to three President’s Arctic Professors will be recognized in this initial round.

Colleges/Institutes will receive $40,000 annually for two academic years for the Arctic Professor’s salary support


To Apply:

Email with a cc to with the subject line: President’s Arctic Professors

Please attach the submission as a single PDF document.

    • Proposals should describe how the recognition and funding will be used to showcase and advance UA’s Arctic engagement.
    • Submissions have a three-page limit, using 12-point font. Please attach a letter of support from the applicant’s dean or director.

Deadline: Proposals and support letters should be emailed to the applicant’s Provost and Vice Chancellor for Research by close of business on Friday, April 26. Finalists from each university will be forwarded to the University President for final selection by May 10.


Opportunity 3) Postdoctoral Fellow and Early Career Faculty Opportunity

University of òòò½´«Ã½ is recruiting four full-time postdocs and early career faculty to help shape and implement a new Arctic Leadership Initiative and expand our research and education capacity.

Positions are term-funded and reviewed annually for contract renewal at the University’s discretion.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree at the time of appointment and bring substantive experience in a field relevant to the Arctic.


To Apply:

Email with the subject line: Postdoctoral Fellow and Early Career Faculty Opportunity

Please attach the submission as a single PDF document with these items included:

    • Resume
    • Cover letter describing Arctic interests and experience, scholarly products such as scientific publications, and professional references.
    • Identification of potential mentors or projects to partner with at the university would strengthen applications.

Review of applications will begin immediately and the search will continue until all positions are filled.