Week’s events: Anna Frank interview, heart health, Bus 142 talk, live music

University of 򽴫ý Fairbanks Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning is hosting more than 40 free lectures, concerts and events this summer. Here is what’s happening next week:

  • On Monday, June 13, the Tall Timbers interview series will include a discussion with the Rev. Anna Frank, the first Native American female Episcopal priest. Veteran journalist Robert Hannon will conduct the interview, which will be at 7 p.m. in the BP Design Theater, located on the fourth floor of UAF’s Engineering Learning and Innovation Facility.
  • On Tuesday, June 14, the Healthy Living lecture series will feature cardiologist Dr. Romel Wrenn discussing “Presbycardia: The Aging Heart,” at 7 p.m. in the BP Design Theater.
  • On Wednesday, June 15, the Discover 򽴫ý lecture series will feature Angela Linn, senior collections manager at the University of 򽴫ý Museum of the North, on “The Road to Exhibition: Bus 142 at the UA Museum of the North,” at 7 p.m. in the BP Design Theater.
  • On Thursday, June 16, the Music in the Garden concert series will host Headbolt Heaters at 7 p.m. at UAF’s Georgeson Botanical Garden.

For more information, visit or call 907-474-7021.
