Week’s events: Legacy Lecture, heart health, overwintering, alt-bluegrass

University of 򽴫ý Fairbanks Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning is hosting more than 40 free lectures, concerts and events this summer. Here’s what’s happening during the week of June 3-9:

  • On Monday, June 3, the 2024 Legacy Lecture will honor Jo Heckman. Heckman is former president and chief executive officer of Denali State Bank and served on the University of 򽴫ý Board of Regents. She currently hosts “Jo’s Table 򽴫ý,” a podcast focused on food and agriculture. The lecture is at 7 p.m. in the BP Design Theater, located on the fourth floor of the Usibelli Building.
  • On Tuesday, June 4, the Healthy Living lecture series will host Romel Wrenn, cardiologist, discussing “AI and Predictive Cardiac Maintenance,” at 7 p.m. in the BP Design Theater.
  • On Wednesday, June 5, the Discover 򽴫ý lecture series will feature Brian Barnes, professor of zoophysiology at the Institute of Arctic Biology, discussing “Overwintering in the Arctic: Animal Strategies for Surviving ‘the Long, Cold and Dark.’” The lecture is at 7 p.m. in the BP Design Theater.
  • On Thursday, June 6, the Music in the Garden concert series will feature Ice Jam at 6 p.m. and Sourdough Rizers at 7 p.m. at UAF’s Georgeson Botanical Garden.

All events are free and open to the public. Parking on the UAF Troth Yeddha’ Campus is free after 5 p.m.

For more information on Summer Sessions events, visit the events page, email summer@alaska.edu or call 907-474-7021. For a comprehensive listing of the university's other public events, visit the UAF events calendar
