UAF Governance

for Curriculum Review Committee

Trial Courses - Spring 2011 submissions:

10-Trial - Graduate level course listed on GAAC curriculum page.

11-Trial - GEOG F494 - stacked with F694; cross-listed as ATM F494 / F694.


114-UCCh.: Course Change: ENGL F482A - Undergraduate Seminar (h), 3 credits (3+0); change title to Topics in Language and Literature (h); allow course to be repeated for credit one time based upon content variation; increase frequency of offering to every fall and spring; change course description; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Chris Coffman, x5233.
Assigned to: Miho A. and Anne A.
CR review not completed; CARRY-OVER TO FALL 2011
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

115-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S., Natural Resources Management - High Latitude Agriculture concentration: remove NRM F102 as a required elective course; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Mingchu Zhang, x7188.
Assigned to all CR members.
4/1/2011: Discussed and problems noted with inconsistencies.
5/13/2011: CR has approved with revisions (see below). 5/13/2011: Provost has approved.

116-UNC: (STACKED): New Course: MSL F463 - Chemical Coastal Processes, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as MSL F663; prerequisites include CHEM F105X and F106X, MSL F111X, upper division standing or permission of instructor for undergraduates (or graduate standing for F663); letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered odd-numbered (alternate) spring; first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Ana Aguilar-Islas, x1524.
Assigned to: Andres L. and Patricia H.
4/16/2011: CR discussed and approved with some changes (see revised documents, below).
4/25/2011: GAAC approved.
4/26/2011: Provost approved.

117-UCCh.: (STACKED): Course Change: HIST F663 / F463 (NORS F663) - Foundations of Russian History, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Imperial Russia; change prerequisite for F463 to HIST F275; change prerequisites for F663 to Graduate Standing or permission of instructor; update description of course; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Brian Kassof, x6507.
Assigned to: Miho A. and Jacob J.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee (as revised).
5/17/2011: Provost approved.

118-UCCh.: (STACKED): Course Change: HIST F464 / F664 (NORS F664) - Modern Russia, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia; change prerequisite for NORS F664 to Graduate Standing or permission of instructor, and remove HIST F275 for graduate level; update course description; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Brian Kassof, x6507.
Assigned to: Miho A. and Jacob J.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee (as revised).
5/17/2011: Provost approved.

119-UNC: New Course: CHEM F323 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 3 credits (1+6); letter-graded and not repeatable; co-requisite course is CHEM F322 - Organic Chemistry Lecture II; to be offered every spring; first offering Spring 2012; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: John Keller, x6042.
Status: 3/4/2011 - A more detailed course schedule will be requested. 3/10/2011: CR Approved.
3/11/2011: Provost approved.

120-UCCh.: Course Change: CHEM F324W - Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 4 credits (2+6); change title to Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory; change prerequisites by removing ENGL F111X and adding CHEM F212; update course description; change frequency of offering to every spring; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Contact: John Keller, x6042.
Status: 3/4/2011 - Curriculum Review approved.
3/07/2011: Provost approved.

121-UCCh.: Course Change: CHEM F488 - Undergraduate Chemistry and Biochemistry Research, 1-6 credits (0+1-6); change credits to 2-3 credits with a distribution of (0+6-9); course may be repeated 4 times for a maximum of 12 credits; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Bill Simpson, x7235.
Status: 3/4/2011 - Curriculum Review approved.
3/11/2011: Provost approved.

122-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A., B.S. - Sociology: update the program description to reflect prior approved course changes including title change to SOC F350 W - Sociology of Childhood; and remove SOC F307 O from the elective options; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Jordan Titus, x5387.
Assigned to all CR members.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
4/4/2011: Approved by Provost.

123-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Russian Studies: Move RUSS F431 and F482 from core degree requirements (Item 3 in program description) to options for the core degree requirements (Item 4 in program description); and add HIST F461 and F463 to degree electives; correct title of HIST F464 under Item 5; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Trina Mamoon, x7396.
Assigned to all CR members.
4/1/2011: Discussed and concerns noted about relatively low number of upper division credits required for the degree.
5/13/2011: Provisionally approved after follow-up re 12 more upper division credits; Rainer has emailed Trina M. CARRY-OVER TO FALL 2011
11/9/2011: Provost approved.

124-UNC: New Course: RECR F130R - Beginning Break Dance, 1 credit (0+3); graded pass/fail; not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, x2808.
Assigned to: Ed H. and Anne A.
Status: 3/4/2011 - Ed H. will follow up with Mahla S.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee (as revised).
4/4/2011: Approved by Provost.

125-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Geological Engineering: changes to the introductory description of the program to reflect updated educational objectives of the program; effective Fall 2011 upon approval.
Note: These are clerical changes for the catalog, and have been approved via email in order to meet the printed catalog deadline.
3/11/2011: CR approved. Provost approved.

126-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Mining Engineering: changes to the introductory description of the program to reflect updated educational objectives of the program; effective Fall 2011 upon approval.
Note: These are clerical changes for the catalog, and have been approved via email in order to meet the printed catalog deadline.
3/11/2011: CR approved. Provost approved.

127-UNC: New Course: MSL F330 - The Dynamic òòò½´«Ã½n Coastline, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as GEOS F330; prerequisites include junior standing, MSL F111X or GEOS F101X, CHEM F105X, PHYS F103X or PHYS F211X; a field trip is required; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered in fall semesters, first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Sam VanLaningham, x6991.
4/16/2011: CR discussed and approved.
4/18/2011: Provost approved.

128-UNC: New Course: MSL F403 - Estuaries Oceanography, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MSL F213, STAT F200X or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall with first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Peter Winsor, x7740.
Assigned to Rainer N., Diane W.
4/29/2011: Provost approved.

129-UNP: New Minor: Marine Science: A minimum of 15 credits must be completed, of which MSL F211, F212 and F213L comprise seven required credits; other MSL course options comprise an additional six credits; and two credits must be completed from options that include either MSL, Fisheries, Biology and Wildlife, or Economics; ten new courses associated with the proposed minor have been submitted.
Contact:Sarah Hardy, x7616.
Assigned to all CR members.
5/13/2011: Approved at CR and CAC. To go forward to Sept. 12, 2011 Faculty Senate for voting.

130-UNC: New Course: MSL F211 - Introduction to Marine Science I, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of MATH F107 [SEE ADDITIONAL PREREQs BELOW] or equivalent or concurrent enrollment; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered each fall, effective Fall 2011.
Contact:Harper Simmons, x4697.
Assigned to Rainer N., Diane W.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
4/4/2011: Approved by Provost.
4/16/2011: CR discussed again; some concerns whether it meets 200-level definition. 5/13/2011: CR approved (again) with additonal prerequsites: "plus one of the following CHEM F105X, or BIOL F115X, or PHYS F103X, or GEOS F101X."

131-UNC: New Course: MSL F212 - Introduction to Marine Science II, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of MSL F211; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered each spring, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011. Note: MSL F211 is a new course proposal.
Contact: Sarah Hardy, 7616.
Assigned to Diane W., Miho A.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
4/4/2011: Approved by Provost.
4/16/2011: CR discussed again; some concerns whether it meets 200-level definition. 5/13/2011: CR approved (again) with additional prerequisites to MSL F211.

132-UNC: New Course: MSL F213L - Marine Science Laboratory, 1 credit (0+3); prerequisite of MSL F212 or concurrent enrollment; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every spring, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Ana Aguilar-Islas, x1524.
Assigned to Diane W., Miho A.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
4/4/2011: Approved by Provost.

133-UNC: New Course: MSL F317 - Introduction to Marine Mammal Biology, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F116X, MSL F212, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered in even-number spring, first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Larissa Dehn, x7724.
Assigned to Anne A., Jacob J.
4/16/2011: CR discussed and approved.
4/18/2011: Provost approved.

134-UNC: New Course: MSL F412 - Early Life Histories of Marine Invertebrates, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MSL F212 or permission of instructor; BIOL F305 or BIOL F450 are recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate fall, first offering Fall 2012. Note: MSL F212 is a new course proposal.
Contact: Sarah Hardy, 7616.
Assigned to Anne A., Jacob J.
4/16/2011: CR discussed. Course is to be stacked as MSL F612 -- did not receive a syllabus for the graduate level. 4/18: Graduate syllabus received.
5/3/2011: CR Committee approved with revisions to prerequisites (add upper division standing, remove recommended courses).
5/6/2011: Provost approved.

135-UNC: New Course: FISH F440 - Oceanography for Fisheries, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as MSL F440; prerequisites include FISH F101, BIOL F115X, CHEM F105X, PHYS F103X or equivalent, or permission of instructor; with MSL F111, FISH F288, BIOL F271 or FISH F425 recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternating fall or as demand warrants; first offering Fall 2012.
Contact: Franz Mueter, 907-796-5448.
5/13/2011: Issues with course level number; Rainer following up. CARRY-OVER TO FALL 2011
2/24/2012: WITHDRAWN.

136-UNC: New Course: MSL F449 - Biological Oceanography, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked with existing MSL F650; prerequisite of MSL F212 for undergraduate level; offered fall with first offering of undergraduate level in Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Rolf Gradinger, x7407.
Assigned to Anne A., Miho A.
4/29/2011: CR approved as revised.
5/2/2011: Provost approved.

137-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor - Mining Engineering: change degree requirements to require MIN F103, MIN F226; and 12 credits of electives; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Rajive Ganguli, x7212.
Assigned to all CR members.
5/13/2011: CR has approved; Provost has approved.

138-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Mechanical Engineering: delete the requirement of ME F487 W, O; and add ME F488 W, O and ME F489 W, O as required courses; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Jonah Lee, x7136.
Assigned to all CR Members.
5/13/2011: Issues with credits and W and O designators; Rainer has contacted J.L. and G.S. at ME department. [Note: Issues with #144-146 precluded program changes from being effected.]

139-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S./M.S. - Mechanical Engineering: delete the requirement of ME F487 W, O; and add ME F488 W, O and ME F489 W, O as required courses; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Jonah Lee, x7136.
Assigned to all CR Members.
Status: #144 course drop was withdrawn; and there are issues with number of credits for replacement courses (#145 and #146 - Senior Design courses, below) for W, O course designators. Core Review did not approve. [Note: Issues with #144-146 precluded program changes from being effected.]

140-UCDr.: Drop Course: ME F401 - Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, 3 credits (1+4); to be replaced with two new courses; effective Fall 2012. (See also 141-UNC and 142-UNC which will replace this course.)
Contact: Chuen-Sen Lin, x5126.
Assigned to Andres L., Patricia H.
Status:6/14/2011: Following up via email. CARRY-OVER TO FALL 2011
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

141-UNC: New Course: ME F404 - Computer Aided Design, 3 credits (1.5+4.5); requires senior standing or permission of instructor; co-requisite of ES F331; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every other fall; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. (Related to: #140 course drop, #142 new course.)
Contact: Chuen-Sen Lin, x5126.
Assigned to Andres L., Patricia H.
Status:6/14/2011: Following up via email. CARRY-OVER TO FALL 2011
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

142-UNC: New Course: ME F405 - Computer Aided Manufacturing, 3 credits (1.5+4.5); requires senior standing or permission of instructor; prerequisite of ME F321; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every other spring; first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Chuen-Sen Lin, x5126. (Related to: #140 course drop, #141 new course.)
Assigned to Andres L., Patricia H.
Status:6/14/2011: Following up via email. CARRY-OVER TO FALL 2011
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

143-UNC: New Course: ME F443 / F643 - Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Nanofluids, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of ES F341 and ME F441 or their equivalent, or permission of instructor; senior standing for F443; graduate standing for F643; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Debendra Das, x6094. (#117-GNC at GAAC.)
[Updated] Assigned to Andres L., Debu M.
5/13/2011: Committee has requested statement of two exams (undergrad and grad). Graduate level is approved by GAAC as of 5/16/2011.
Status:6/14/2011: Following up via email on F443 undergrad level.
6/17/2011: Provost approved.

WITHDRAWN: 144-UCDr.: Course Drop: ME F487 W, O - Design Project, 3 credits (3+0); course is being replaced with two new courses; effective Fall 2012. (See #145-UNC and #146-UNC.)
Contact: Gang Sheng, x5649.
Status: There are also issues with number of credits for replacement courses (#145 and #146 - Senior Design courses, below) for W, O course designators. Core Review did not approve.

145-UNC: New Course: ME F488 - Senior Design I, 1 credit (1+0); prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F111X; ENGL F 211X or 213X; co-requisite of ME F441 or permission of instructor; senior standing; letter graded and not repeatable; W and O designtors are indicated on form; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2012. (See related #144-UCDr. - course drop.)
Contact: Gang Sheng, x5649.
[Updated] Assigned to Debu M., Patricia H.
Status: #144 course drop was withdrawn; and there are issues with number of credits for replacement courses (#145 and #146 - Senior Design courses, below) for W, O course designators. Core Review did not approve. [Note: these issues precluded program changes from being effected.]

146-UNC: New Course: ME F489 - Senior Design II, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F111X; ENGL F 211X or 213X; ME F441, ME F488, co-requisite of ME F403, or permission of instructor; senior standing; letter graded and not repeatable; W and O designtors are indicated on form; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2012. (See related #144-UCDr. - course drop.)
Contact: Gang Sheng, x5649.
[Updated] Assigned to Debu M., Patricia H.
Status: #144 course drop was withdrawn; and there are issues with number of credits for replacement courses (#145 and #146 - Senior Design courses, below) for W, O course designators. Core Review did not approve. [Note: these issues precluded program changes from being effected.]

147-UCCh.: Course Change: CE F433 - Reinforced Concrete Design, 3 credits (2+3); change credit distribution to (3+0); change frequency of offering from fall to spring; effective Spring 2013.
Contact: Andrew Metzger, x6120.
[Updated] Assigned to Debu M., Rainer N.
5/13/2011: Revisions to syllabus have been requested. CARRY-OVER TO FALL 2011
2/24/2012: CRC approved.

148-UCCh.: Course Change: CE F434 - Timber Design, 3 credits (2+3); change credit distribution to (3+0); change frequency of offering from as demand warrants to fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Andrew Metzger, x6120.
[Updated] Assigned to Debu M., Rainer N.
5/13/2011: Revisions to syllabus have been requested. CARRY-OVER TO FALL 2011
2/24/2012: CRC approved.

149-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. and Minor - òòò½´«Ã½ Native Studies: concentrations changed and expanded from two to four; the "General" concentration becomes "òòò½´«Ã½ Native Forms of Cultural Expression"; the "Language" concentration becomes "òòò½´«Ã½ Native Language"; and "òòò½´«Ã½ Native Education" and "òòò½´«Ã½ Native Law, Government and Politics" are new concentrations; new core degree requirements have been identified; the minimum required credits are now 120 (from 130); effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Ralph Gabrielli, x5808.
5/13/2011: A revised format 5 to tie in the revisions needs to be submitted. Rainer has contacted department.
5/31/2011: REVISED Format 5 form received and posted.

150-UNC: New Course: RD F470 - The òòò½´«Ã½ Native Claims Settlement Act: Pre-1971 to Present, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of junior standing or permission of instructor; to be stacked as RD F670; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Ralph Gabrielli, x5808.
Assigned to Anne A., Miho A.
4/16/2011: CR approved the undergraduate level of the course.
4/25/2011: GAAC approved the graduate level.
4/26/2011: Provost approved.

151-UNC: New Course: ECE F304 W - Attachment and Social Development (s), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F111X and F211X or F213X, ECE F104; ECE F245 is recommended; letter-graded and not repeatable; W request to Core Review; to be offered alternate fall; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038. NOTE: Core Review approved the "W" request.
Assigned to Ed H., Rainer N.
4/1/2011: Discussed and Ed H. will follow up on the prerequisites.
5/13/2011: No approval signatures received; prerequisites question. Ed H./ Pete P. to follow up. CARRY-OVER TO FALL 2011
WITHDRAWN; resubmitted and approved as #56-UNC in 2011-12 review cycle.

152-UNC: New Course: CTT F240 - Introduction to Project Development for Rural Residential Construction, 3 credits (3+0) in an 11-week distance delivery format; prerequisites include a certificate in Construction Trades Technology, CIOS F150, CTT F106, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Bryan Uher, x2613.
Assigned to: Ed H., Jacob J.
4/29/2011: Provost approved.

153-UNC: New Course: CTT F241 - Introduction to Estimating, Cost Control, and Quality Control for Rural Residential Construction, 3 credits (3+0) in an 11-week distance deliver format; prerequisites include a certificate in Construction Trades Technology, CTT F240, or permission of instruction; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Bryan Uher, x2613.
Assigned to: Ed H., Jacob J.
4/29/2011: Provost approved.

154-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Theatre: Extensive changes to degree requirements including program requirements and concentration requirements for Design/Technical Theatre, Directing, Film and Multimedia, and Performance; effective Fall 2012.
5/13/2011: This is still under review by the committee. CARRY-OVER TO FALL 2011
3/2/2012: CRC has informed the department of the need for revisions and the deadline for submission to meet the printed catalog deadline.

155-UCCh.: Course Change: THR F254 - Costume Design / Construction I (h), 3 credits (3+0); change title to Beginning Costume Construction and Crafts; change credit distribution to (2+3); change offering to fall semester; update course description; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Bethany Marx, x5365.
5/13/2011: CR has approved; Provost has approved.

156-UNC: New Course: THR F354 - Intermediate Costume Construction (h), 3 credits (2+3); prerequisite of THR F254 or demonstrated sewing experience and instructor permission; Theatre practicum or work study in the Costume Shop is recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternating spring of odd-numbered years, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Bethany Marx, x5365.
5/13/2011: CR has approved; Provost has approved.

157-UCCh.: Course Change: THR F331/ FLM F331 - Directing Film/Video (h), 3 credits (1+4); change prerequisites to add FLM/THR F271; FLM/THR F273; FLM/JRN F290 (along with existing prereqs); with FLM/ENGL F217 recommended; change frequency of offering from spring to fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Maya Salganek, x5950.
5/13/2011: CR has approved; Provost has approved.

158-UNC: New Course: FLM F358 - Lights, Camera, Audio! (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include FLM F71 or JRN F280; with FLM F273 recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate spring; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Kade Mendelowitz, x7638.
5/13/2011: CR has approved; Provost has approved.

159-UNC: New Course: FIRE F220 - Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Health, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include FIRE F101, F131, F133, F135, and F137, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring; first offering Spring 2012.
Contact: John George, 455-2879.
5/13/2011: Ed H. has contacted for clarification and revision of syllabus. CARRY-OVER TO FALL 2011
WITHDRAWN in 2011-12 review cycle because program is starting a major overhaul.

160-UNC: New Course: NRM F470 - Terrestrial Carbon Management, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F271 or permission of instructor ADD: "or NRM F375"; letter graded and not repeatable; to offered every spring; first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: John Yarie, x5650.
5/13/2011: CR Committee has approved with revision to prerequisites, adding NRM F375.
5/17/2011: Provost approved.