
I The meeting was called to order by President Duffy at 1:30 p.m. A. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Bandopadhyay, S. Amason, A. Bruder, J. Box, M. Curda, L. Bristow, W. Davis, M. Butcher, B. Duffy, L. Lindahl, M. Gardner, J. Mammoon, T. Garza, D. Mortensen, B. Hartman, C. Murray, M. Illingworth, R. Kramer, D. Lin, C. Lincoln, T. OTHERS PRESENT: Mason, J. Barnhardt, C. McBeath, J. Bourke, B. McLean-Nelson, D. Chukwu, G. McRoy, P. Dyen, F. Robinson, T. Gold, C. Rosenberg, J. Hacker, R. Roth, M. Hardenbrook, J. Rybkin, A. Harvey, E. Shepherd, J. Henry, C. Swazo, N. Hollingsworth, C. Weber, J. Holton, G. Wiens, J. Huffman, D. Zilberkant, E. Keyes, R. Layral, S. Lind, M. Martin, W. McAllister, A. Milner, L. Palso, N. Peters, H. Pinney, P. Read, C. Reichardt, P. Sousa, M. Sparks, C. Splain, W. Woodall, D. NON-VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: NON-VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT: Banks, S. - President, ASUAF Graduate Student, GSO Collins, J. - Dean, SOM Culbertson, S. -President, UAFSC Leipzig, J. - Dean, CLA Tremarello, A - University Registrar B. The minutes to Meeting #100 (March 5, 2001) and #101 (April 2, 2001) were approved as distributed via e-mail. C. The agenda was approved as distributed via e-mail. II Consent Agenda A. Resolution of Recognition for the UAF Chapter of AISES, submitted by Administrative Committee The resolution was approved with the adoption of the agenda. RESOLUTION OF RECOGNITION WHEREAS, the students of the UAF Chapter of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) have won the Stelvio Zanin Distinguished Chapter Award for an unprecedented third time (1994, 1996 and 2000) and twice was runner-up (1995 and 1998), and WHEREAS, through their collaborative efforts AISES Chapter students have effectively reinforced each other's continued progress toward academic and career goals, and WHEREAS, under the leadership of Adrienne Orr, Kimberly Ivie, Delores Huffman, Loda Griffeth, Jessica Warrior, Johanna Bauman, Joshua Peter, Wily Splain, Lee DeWilde, Calvin Moses and Jeff Davis, an endowed scholarship fund was established by the UAF AISES Chapter, and WHEREAS, numerous internship and professional employment opportunities as well as travel opportunities were made available through the UAF AISES Chapter, and WHEREAS, the Chapter members have establish ongoing mentoring relationships with many Native UAF alumni, and WHEREAS, the AISES students have implemented outreach programs to high school groups and started a volunteer tutoring program, and WHEREAS, the AISES UAF graduates are taking important positions in the professional world and contributing to the decision making which will shape the future of òòò½´«Ã½, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate wishes to recognize the outstanding students of the UAF Chapter of AISES. *** B. Resolution of Recognition for the UAF Chapter of AIBL, submitted by Administrative Committee The resolution was approved with the adoption of the agenda. RESOLUTION OF RECOGNITION WHEREAS, the students of NABL (Native American Business Leaders), the UAF Chapter of the American Indian Business Leaders' Organization (AIBL), were presented with the "Student Chapter of the Year" award at the recent National AIBL Leadership Academy held in San Diego, and WHEREAS, the UAF Chapter of AIBL also won the Thousandaire Competition, took third place in the Tribal Business Plan competition and third place in the Owl Dance Competition, and WHEREAS, the UAF Chapter is a student-based organization designed to support and promote students interested in business and rural economic development, and WHEREAS, under the leadership of Carol Hollingsworth, Mary Sage, Brenda Erlich, Louise Chikigak, Russell Snyder and Timothy Murphrey the UAF Chapter of AIBL has excelled in building its membership base, shows teamwork, and is active year round, and WHEREAS, the AIBL student group is very supportive of one another, work together to accomplish goals, and WHEREAS, the AIBL students work to establish networks with local businesses by bringing in guest speakers to speak on important issues to members, and WHEREAS, the AIBL student members volunteer for the Festival of Native Arts and work on various fundraisers to benefit non- profit youth organizations in the community, and WHEREAS, along with Rural Student Services, the UAF Chapter of AIBL helps organize and select recipients for the annual Dennis Demmert Appreciation and Recognition Awards which recognizes UAF staff and faculty who have shown their support for Native and rural students, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate wishes to recognize the outstanding students of NABL, the UAF Chapter of the American Indian Business Leaders' Organization. *** III Announcements & Presentations A. Announcement of Usibelli Awards Larry Duffy indicated that UAF has been productive this year and it can be seen by some of the scholarship that's represented by the Usibelli Award winners. He then announced the list of the Usibelli Awards winners for 2000-2001. B. Announcement of Emeriti Faculty Awards Larry Duffy read the list of Emeriti faculty for 2000-2001. C. Presentation of Resolutions Larry Duffy indicated that it has been a successful year for the students. Many of our student groups have excelled. The UAF Faculty Senate presented Resolutions of Recognition to the College Bowl team (approved at the April Senate meeting), the students of the UAF Chapter of AISES, and the students of NABL. Norm Swazo called for the approval of the following resolution. It was approved unanimously. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION FOR LAWRENCE K. DUFFY WHEREAS, Larry Duffy has served Faculty Governance in its many forms over the years in a manner deserving of the UAF Faculty Senate's greatest admiration and respect; and WHEREAS, Larry Duffy has served as Senator to the UAF Faculty Senate from 1988-92, 1993-95, and 1999-2000, and as Alternate from 1992-93 and 1996-99; and WHEREAS, Larry Duffy has served as a member of the Curricular Affairs Committee from 1989-92; Chair of the Curriculum Review Committee for 1990-91; and Chair of Curricular Affairs for 1991-92; and WHEREAS, Larry Duffy has served as a member and Chair of the Graduate Council for 1993-94; and as member and Chair of the Graduate School Advisory Committee for 1998-99; and WHEREAS, Larry Duffy has served on a variety of other committees such as: Chair, Task Force on Department Chairpersons for 1989-90, 1990-91; Legislative & Fiscal Affairs, 1990-92; Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation & Workload, 1994-95; Committee to Nominate Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipients, 1996-2000; and WHEREAS, Larry Duffy has served as Chair of the Administrative Committee and as President-Elect of the UAF Faculty Senate for 1999-2000; and WHEREAS, Larry Duffy has served as a member of the UAF Governance Coordinating Committee from 1999-2001; and WHEREAS, Larry Duffy has served as a member of the UA Faculty Alliance, as a member of the UA Systemwide Governance Council from 1999-2001 and as Chair of the UA Faculty Alliance from 2000-2001 ; and WHEREAS, Larry Duffy has served as President of the UAF Faculty Senate from 2000-2001; and WHEREAS, Larry Duffy has served as Chair of the UAF Standard Four (Faculty) Accreditation Working Group; and WHEREAS, The UAF Faculty Senate wishes to acknowledge the outstanding service rendered the faculty and the University by the work of Larry Duffy as he concludes his term as president; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate acknowledges the many contributions of Larry Duffy and expresses its appreciation for his exemplary service. * Larry Duffy presented Godwin Chukwu with a Certificate of Appreciation for his service as Chair of the Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee. Other committee chairs received their certificates at a dinner hosted by the Chancellor. *** IV Status of Chancellor's Office Actions A. Motions approved: 1. Motion to amend the Constitution dealing with research faculty membership on Senate. 2. Motion to approve a M.A. degree program in Administration of Justice. 3. Motion to approve the B.A. degree in Elementary Education. 4. Motion to amend the Appeals Policy for Academic Decisions. 5. Motion to approve the Certificate and A.A.S. degree program in Tribal Management. B. Motions pending: none V Comments from Chancellor, Marshall Lind - Chancellor Lind thanked Larry Duffy for a good year. There is one more day left with the Legislature. As of this point, it looks like the budget will come in at about $14 million. The museum funding looks like it is in pretty good shape, as well as the addition to the Bristol Bay campus. We hope that that will prevail. Chancellor Lind also wanted to give an update on the College of Rural òòò½´«Ã½ dean search. He wished to tell everyone while they were here so that they do not think that the appointment was done over the summer when the faculty are not around. The CRA Dean is an extremely important position--the only one in the system that has executive dean status. Chancellor Lind would like to see some different things in terms of that position as it relates to the advisory role in the Chancellor's Cabinet. He is looking for an individual with the following characteristics: 1) an individual who can advise the Chancellor and the Cabinet on rural issues, someone who is very familiar with what is going on in rural òòò½´«Ã½--particularly as it relates to rural development, the rural economic situation, training needs, and educational needs throughout rural òòò½´«Ã½; 2) an individual who is in tune with issues of concern to òòò½´«Ã½ Native people; and 3) an individual who has experience, either as a faculty member or an administrator in higher education, preferably within the UA system. This is in addition to their familiarity with the programs we currently have, from Cooperative Extension to the Center for Distance Education, as well as the programs that are going on in all our sites. All of these characteristics do not lend themselves to the typical academic search. Chancellor Lind feels so strongly about this position that he has decided to do a direct appointment. He has found an individual who meets the characteristics that he has outlined. Hopefully we will be able to bring this individual on board this fall. There will be a period of time we will need an interim dean, and he has asked Clara Johnson, Director of the Interior-Aleutians campus, to assume that duty. Chancellor Lind knows this is a deviation from the usual procedure. He understands that and appreciates that and when he is able to announce who the individual is, he feels that a lot of the concerns will dissipate. Any concerns should be addressed directly to him. Norm Swazo noted that at the pre-Senate meeting he had asked the Chancellor to discuss this matter with the CRA Faculty Council. He asked the Chancellor whether he had done so. Chancellor Lind responded to say that he had discussed the matter with Ron Illingworth, Chair of the CRA Faculty Council, but he had not discussed the matter with the entire council. Peter McRoy asked the Chancellor if he had consulted any faculty. The Chancellor indicated that he had talked with a number of faculty including rural faculty. Provost Reichardt indicated that he has talked about the individual with faculty in the associated department of CRA. Their response was favorable to the direct appointment. John Bruder indicated that Provost Reichardt had come to their campus to speak with faculty; Ron Illingworth indicated that the Chancellor had spoken to him; and Dean Gabrielli spoke with the faculty council. Ron Illingworth was pleased at the way it has been presented, and the openness of the communication between the administration and faculty. Comments from Provost, Paul Reichardt - Provost Reichardt shared a message from Nag Rao concerning commencement. He added his thanks to the faculty for the great job they do with the students. Provost Reichardt encouraged everyone to congratulate all the winners of the Usibelli Awards. Provost Reichardt read a list of programs that will go before the Board of Regents at the June meeting. They include: MS, Statistics; BS/MB, Computer Science; Certificate & AAS, Dental Assistant; MA, Administration of Justice; BA, Elementary Education; Certificate & AAS, Tribal Management; Certificate & AAS, Emergency Services; and the AAS in Process Technology. A printed copy of the UAF Academic Development Plan had been given to Larry Duffy and Norm Swazo. This is also available on the Provost web page. There will be a formal review of the plan in the fall. Attachment 102/4 includes a set of responsibilities for the Vice Provost for Research, to which Ted DeLaca has been appointed. In addition the provost and Dr. DeLaca are keeping a separate list of issues which they will be reviewing over the summer to better define the positions responsibilities. Attachment 102/5 is a memo to Deans and Directors about a Classified Research project that the GI is entertaining. Provost Reichardt will make a recommendation within the next week. It will be viewed in two pieces. The first decision is the first contract. The second decision is a broader issue of classified research at the University. Guest Speaker - Wanda Martin, Advising Center Wanda Martin from the Advising Center provided information on the Early Warning Project. She indicated that we need to recruit five students in order to retain two students. Over the years we have slowly gained in our retention rate but we are still not where we would like to be or where we should be. The project was focused on gathering data on the freshman year. We now have the opportunity to have a group of faculty work together and take the information collected to make personal contacts with students. Fred Dyen was the lead faculty member and spoke about low grade reports and students on probation. Colin Read spoke about identifying variables that might indicate students at risk. Special reports will be generated by the Registrar in the fall to assist faculty members in identifying at-risk students. Charlie Sparks observed that there are many ways into the university system. The traditional student provides a rich data source which is very useful. There is a lot of data nationally to use as benchmarks. However, there is a lot of other students for whom we have little data. One of the concerns is to provide the infrastructure to collect data for analysis. Wanda Martin spoke about information available in the Faculty Advisor's Manual. She also emphasized how important it is to have personal contact with students. VI Governance Reports A. ASUAF - S. Banks Stacey Banks indicated that ASUAF was winding down for the year. One item they have been working on is the student saver program where students can get discounts at local businesses by showing their Polar Express card. They are eagerly anticipating the funding numbers from the legislature. Derek Miller is the new ASUAF President and will take over next week. B. Staff Council - S. Culbertson Scott Culbertson was not available to give a report. C. President's Comments - L. Duffy Written comments were included in the agenda. Larry Duffy thanked everyone for their support and hard work over the past year, especially Norm Swazo and Sheri Layral for keeping him on track. VII Unfinished Business A. Motion to approve the list of the 2000-2001 degree candidates, submitted by Administrative Committee Larry Duffy indicated that faculty are responsible for granting degrees. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION ====== The UAF Faculty Senate recommends to the Board of Regents that the attached list of individuals be awarded the appropriate UAF degrees pending completion of all University requirements. [Note: copy of the list is available in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall.] EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: These degrees are granted upon recommendation of the program faculty, as verified by the appropriate department head. As the representative governance group of the faculty, we are making that recommendation. ** B. Motion to amend Article IV, Section 2 of the Constitution, submitted by Administrative Committee, Norm Swazo indicated this motion has had the required 30 day review. It was introduced at the last Senate meeting. It allows chairs of the permanent and standing committees to serve as officers of the Senate. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend Article IV, Section 2, of the Constitution as follows: [[ ]] = Deletions CAPS = Additions ARTICLE IV - Officer Sec. 2 The President and President-Elect shall be elected [[from and]] by the [[voting]] ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES of the Senate for one-year terms. ELIGIBLE NOMINEES FOR THE OFFICES OF PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT-ELECT SHALL BE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES AND/OR CHAIRS OF STANDING AND PERMANENT COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Members of the Senate Administrative Committee include chairs of the Senate�s Standing and Permanent Committees. The Senate Administrative Committee performs those functions which are executive in setting the agenda of the Senate. Since the Chairs of the Permanent Committees are involved in this executive function of the Senate, they have the experience qualifying them for the offices of President and President-Elect. The Permanent Committee Chairs should therefore have the opportunity to serve as officers of the Senate. ** C. Motion to approve the Ph.D. degree program in Engineering, submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Jim Gardner spoke on the new Ph.D. degree program in Engineering. It will have concentrations in Arctic, Civil, Electrical, Engineering Management, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve a Ph.D. degree program in Engineering. EFFECTIVE: Fall 2001 or Upon Board of Regents' Approval RATIONALE: See full program proposal #42 on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers� Hall. ** D. Motion to approve the M.S. degree program in Computational Physics, submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Jim Gardner gave a brief introduction on the degree program. It takes advantage of new career options in industry, research, and government focusing on numerical modeling. It will take advantage of the existing Arctic Region Supercomputer Center. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION ======= The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve a M.S. degree program in Computational Physics. EFFECTIVE: Fall 2001 or Upon Board of Regents' Approval RATIONALE: See full program proposal #41 on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers� Hall. ** E. Motion to approve a policy on Graduate Advisory Committees, submitted by Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Jim Gardner indicated that this formalizes existing Graduate School policy on the formulation of graduate student committees. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the following policy concerning the Graduate Advisory Committee composition of Master's and Ph.D. degree students. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: The Graduate School requested that the Faculty Senate review the composition of the graduate student advisory committees and formalize the process that is currently being used. GRADUATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Master's Degree The core advisory committee of Master's degree students must consist of three approved University of òòò½´«Ã½ Fairbanks faculty members. Faculty participating above this number are considered additional committee members. Committee membership must be approved by the home department, Unit Dean, and the Dean of the Graduate School. Retired and/or Emeritus faculty of the University of òòò½´«Ã½ Fairbanks who have an association with the home department may serve on Master's advisory committees, upon expressed approval by the home department. Faculty from other universities and other professionals who are not employed by University of òòò½´«Ã½ Fairbanks may serve as either core or additional committee members on Master's advisory committees, upon expressed approval by the home department. They may not serve as the chair of an advisory committee, but may serve as the co- chair. Doctoral Degree The core advisory committee of Doctoral degree students must consist of four approved University of òòò½´«Ã½ Fairbanks faculty members. For interdisciplinary students, one member must be from a Ph.D. granting department. Faculty participating above this number are considered additional committee members. Committee membership must be approved by the home department, Unit Dean, and the Dean of the Graduate School. Retired and/or Emeritus faculty of the University of òòò½´«Ã½ Fairbanks who have an association with the home department may serve on Doctoral advisory committees, upon expressed approval by the home department. Faculty from other universities and other professionals who are not employed by University of òòò½´«Ã½ Fairbanks may serve as either core or additional committee members on Doctoral advisory committees, upon expressed approval by the home department. They may not serve as the chair of an advisory committee, but may serve as the co- chair. ** F. Motion to approve the A.A.S. in Process Technology, submitted by Curricular Affairs Ron Illingworth spoke on the new degree in Process Technology. There is a large interest and need for this program. Larry Duffy indicated that this program meets state needs. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION: ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve a A.A.S. degree program in Process Technology which includes nine new courses. EFFECTIVE: Fall 2001 and Upon Board of Regents' Approval RATIONALE: See full program proposal #157-166 on file in the Governance Office, 312 Signers� Hall. ** G. Motion to establish a policy on academic program review and assessment, submitted by Administrative Committee Larry Duffy spoke about the need for academic program review as mandated by the Board of Regents' policies. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to establish a policy on academic program review and assessment. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: This motion establishes a procedure for regular review and assessment of UAF degree programs as mandated in Board of Regents' policies and regulations 10.06.01. UAF ACADEMIC PROGRAM REVIEW REFERENCE: BOR Policy P10.06.01.A and Regulation R10.06.01 PURPOSE: Regularly review and assess UAF degree programs relative to mission, quality and efficiency PROCESS: 1. Annual Audit: All programs shall be informally reviewed annually by the Dean based upon annual profile data supplied by the Office of Policy Analysis and Institutional Research and additional relevant information, as determined by the Dean and Department Chair. 2. Cyclic Review A. All degree programs within a department shall be reviewed in a 5 year cycle. B. The data used in the review shall consist of the updated Departmental Notebook (NWASC Self-Study), Dean�s Annual Audit reports (if any written reports were done), outcomes assessment plan and results, and departmental self- analysis of strengths, weaknesses, needs, and significant changes since the last Cyclic Review. C. The Review Committee shall be appointed by the Provost in consultation with the President of the Faculty Senate and shall consist of three faculty members (one from the department under review) and one person external to UAF but having knowledge of the discipline.* D. The committee�s report for each degree program shall address program strengths, weaknesses/deficiencies, and one of the following recommendations: continuation without change, continuation with changes, or discontinuation. E. The departmental faculty shall write a response to the committee�s report. F. The Dean shall write a response which indicates actions, if any, which will be taken at the college level and any recommendations for university action. A recommendation by the Dean to discontinue a program must provide rationale consistent with Board of Regents Policy and Regulation 10.04.02C, including appropriate review and recommendation by the college�s academic council. G. The Provost shall write a response which indicates any university actions which will be taken. 3. The Annual Timetable for Cyclic Reviews shall be as follows: Dec 1 Departmental materials are finalized and committee is appointed Mar 1 Committee report Mar 20 Departmental response Apr 15 Dean response Jun 15 Provost response/action * At the discretion of the departmental faculty, any degree program which holds professional accreditation may be reviewed by an alternate process if a substantive accreditation evaluation has been conducted since the last Cyclic Review. In this case the departmental faculty may elect to use the report of the accreditation evaluators instead of a report issued by the committee described in 2C. ** H. Additional nominations & election of the President-Elect There were no additional nominations for President-Elect. I. Resolution to ratify the election of President-Elect, submitted by Administrative Committee The following substitution resolution was presented. It was approved unanimously. RESOLUTION ========= BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate ratifies the election of Godwin Chukwu as President-Elect of the UAF Faculty Senate for 2001- 2002 by acclamation. ** J. Resolution on faculty compensation, submitted by Administrative Committee John Leipzig spoke about the need in CLA for compensation--they are $800,000 under market. He is bringing new faculty in at salaries above higher ranked current faculty, thereby adding to salary compression. This is an everyday occurrence. CLA has to compete in the market place with new hires, but not with current faculty. Norm Swazo spoke about the need to compile the data to support any request we make that deals with salary and compensation problems. There is a need to talk about compensation reform. Larry Duffy indicated that this resolution asks the university to get the data necessary to move this forward. Carol Gold spoke on behalf of United Academics Union and said that the more support there is from all sources and campuses, the better off faculty will be and the more likely the UA administration will respond. Jim Collins indicated that he sits on the UNAC Labor Management committee on compensation, and there is a couple of issues: market based adjustments and the issue of merit based adjustments. John Leipzig asked how we are going to deal with the concerns of our current faculty? The resolution passed unanimously. RESOLUTION ========= WHEREAS, Board of Regents Regulation R04.05.040B.2.c on "Salary Range Movement" requires that "Periodically, but no less than every five years, an analysis of the University�s faculty compensation program will be conducted"; and WHEREAS, Board of Regents Regulation R04.05.040B.2.c on "Salary Range Movement" requires further that "If it is found that faculty compensation is overall, or by discipline, leading or lagging the market relative to prevailing market conditions as indicated by surveys of faculty salaries from sources appropriate to the hiring department or program which will include, but not be limited to, the AAUP, OSU, and CUPA, competitive levels will be achieved through salary range adjustments"; and, WHEREAS, faculty compensation, including components of salary range, annual base salary, retention offers, equity adjustments, promotion increases, merit bonus, and other discretionary salary adjustments are to occur according to a process of negotiation outlined in extant United Academics and ACCFT collective bargaining agreements; and, WHEREAS, an analysis of the University�s faculty compensation program as mandated by Board of Regents Regulation R04.05.040B.2.c is consistent with the extant collective bargaining agreements; and, WHEREAS, the Statewide Faculty Alliance, acting at its meeting on 13 April 2001, recommended that the University Administration deal with faculty concerns about salary compensation; and, WHEREAS, faculty at all ranks at UAF have expressed heightened concern that salary scales are below market, that new faculty hires are adding to salary compression, and that there remains an unresolved and now exacerbated issue of salary inequity; and, WHEREAS, the 2001 UAF Accreditation Self-study Draft on Standard 4-Faculty (April 2001 revised version) claims (a) "UAF salaries lag 11.5% behind peer institutions and this difference is statistically significant", and (b) "Assistant and Associate Professor salaries are around 6.5% below and Full Professors are about 19.5% below average and these deviations are statistically significant" (sources referenced include AAUP June 2000 data and OSU 2000 salary data, compared to UAF data supplied by UA Office of Labor Relations); and, WHEREAS, the UAF Faculty Senate retains it prerogative to address issues of faculty concern notwithstanding the fact that faculty compensation is a mandatory item of collective bargaining; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the UAF Faculty Senate recommends that the University Administration address heightened faculty concerns about compensation by (1) analyzing the University�s faculty compensation program in accord with Board of Regents Regulation R04.05.040B.2.c, and (2) issuing a report with results of this analysis and correlative recommendations, this report to be issued to the University�s faculty governance representatives no later than March 15, 2002. ** K. Motion to amend the Section 3 (Article V: Committees) of the Bylaws by deleting E.4., submitted by Administrative Committee Larry Duffy said this motion moves the Committee to Nominate Commencement Speakers out of the Senate and under the Provost where it essentially has resided for many years. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 3 (Article V: Committees, standing, Permanent) of the Bylaws by deleting E. 4. (Committee to Nominate Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipients). [[ ]] = Deletion CAPS = Additions Sect. 3 (ART V: Committees) STANDING A. An Administrative Committee will be composed of the chairpersons of all standing Senate Committees and of permanent Senate committees. [[except the Committee to Nominate Commencement Speakers and Honorary Degree Recipients. ]] PERMANENT [[4. The Committee to Nominate Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipients will nominate commencement speakers and candidates for honorary degrees as specified in University Regulation 10.03.02. This Committee will work in concert with the University of òòò½´«Ã½ Fairbanks Office of University Relations to review the nominee files and make a formal nomination to the Chancellor.]] EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Because of it's heavy administrative load, this committee more appropriately belongs under the Provost office. A large portion of the committee work is conducted during the summer months. University Regulation 10.03.02 stipulate that nominations must be review by a faculty committee. However, it does not have to be a Faculty Senate committee. The committee will continue to have faculty Senate representation and nearly all committee members are former Senate members. ** VIII Annual Committee Reports A. Curricular Affairs - R. Illingworth The following was distributed as a handout. Curricular Affairs Committee Meeting Report - Ron Illingworth, Chair The Curricular Affairs committee held an audioconferenced meeting on 25 April, 2001 from 1145-100pm. Members present included Mike Hannigan, Chris Hartman, Jonathan Rosenberg, Eduard Zilberkant, Ron Illingworth, and guests Provost Paul Reichardt and TVC Director Jake Poole. The committee discussed the proposal submitted by the Provost for a periodic academic program review process. There was general support for the proposal; however, suggestions were made for the inclusion of specific data which, in the estimation of this committee, would improve the review process. The suggestions included requests for budget information, faculty and staff resources associated with the program, SCH, and student profiles to include full and part-time status. The College of Rural òòò½´«Ã½ represented by Tanana Valley Campus Director presented their new degree proposal for a new Certification and AAS in Process Technology. The committee reviewed the documents, listened to the presentation, and subsequently voted unanimously to approve the proposal and to forward it to the Faculty Senate for approval. The new degree program includes nine new courses. ----------------------------- Curricular Affairs Committee Annual Report - Ron Illingworth, Chair The Curricular Affairs committee held audioconferenced meetings 14 times this year. Members present Mike Hannigan, Chris Hartman, Jonathan Rosenberg, Eduard Zilberkant, Ron Illingworth, Delores Garza, Joshua Greenberg, Judy Shepherd, Sukumar Bandopadhyay, Ann Tremarello, Gayle Gregory, Wanda Martin, Katrina Klassen, and David Woodall. All meetings are audioconferenced as well as face to face as several members of the committee are from outside Fairbanks. The committee addressed a spectrum of issues ranging from new degree approvals to academic policy changes, reinterpretation, and reaffirmation's. In addition, the committee sponsored a series of open dialogues on distance learning which was very well attended by faculty and staff of UAF as well as UA staff and the UA Faculty Fellow. New degrees approved included the Certificate and AAS for Process Technology, the Certificate and AAS for Tribal Management, the BA in Elementary Education, BS/MS degree in Computer Science, and the Certificate/AAS in Dental Assistant. The combined BS/MS degree in Computer Science is the first "fast-track" degree program for UAF. The committee also amended the Foreign Language Advance Placement policy and the BBA degree, and changed the dual enrollment policy. Additionally, we discussed changes to the AAS general requirements but this topic is being carried over to next year. The committee worked with the Registrars office to develop a process to review courses in the catalog regarding their continuation when the courses have not been offered for several years. Additionally, we worked with the Registrars Office to develop a process to review the prerequisites for courses and to develop a process for identifying, during the registration process and before classes start, whether a student meets the prerequisites for the course. The committee also approved several Course Equivalency decisions for non-traditional students seeking recognition of their external education. Topics continued for future resolution include those related to the expanding role of distance delivery at UAF. Some of the issues raised cross into Faculty Affairs and to the Unions and will require more extensive discussion than was available for them this year. The chair would like to thank all the members of this committee for their valuable time, effort and dedication to service. Without you, there would have been no actions to report. Thank you. Respectfully submitted, Ronald D. Illingworth B. Faculty Affairs - P. McRoy The following was distributed as a handout. Annual Report of the Faculty Affairs Committee - 7 May 2001 Committee members and affiliation: C.P. McRoy, SFOS (chair); M. Box, CLA; M. Davis, CRA, Bristol Bay; J. McBeath, SALRM; B. Mortensen, CRA, R. Smith, GI; J. Wiens, CSEM The charge to the Faculty Affairs Committee is to "review issues dealing with faculty prerogative and recommend policy changes to the Faculty Senate. Issues of prerogative include academic freedom, faculty ethics, research and creative activity, and legislative and fiscal issues that may impact faculty concerns at the university." Over the past academic year the Faculty Senate Committee dealt with the following issues: 1. Motion to change the constitution to include research faculty as voting members of the Senate (approved). 2. Formation of a subcommittee to review ethics and misconduct in research to update current university regulations, This in now a university-wide writing team to draft new regulations. The Provost has established a Research Compliance Office to deal with these issues. 3. The committee directed President Duffy to invite President Hamilton or his representative to present his plan for university budget increases. A resolution from the Senate directed to the òòò½´«Ã½ Legislature for support of the UA budget followed. 4. The Committee sent a motion to the Administrative Committee requesting presentation and discussion of the university budget by appropriate administrators at Senate meetings. The committee will take a more proactive role in budget review. A resolution on faculty compensation was reviewed and supported. UAF currently ranks 123rd of the 141 Category 1 public institutions. We suggest that ranking 49th is an appropriate goal for the Administration to pursue. 5. The Committee reviewed the motion to rename the Fairbanks International Airport but after lengthy discussion came to no consensus on the issue. 6. The Committee reviewed the proposed revisions to the campus off-road policy. The proposed changes were not supported. 7. The Committee reviewed the question of promotion for term faculty with Dean Leipzig. No change in policy was recommended. 8. A concerned faculty member requested review of the interpretation of sabbatical leave policy with respect to compensation. No changes in policy were considered necessary. *** C. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee - J. Gardner A report was attached to the agenda. D. Core Review - J. Brown No report was available. E. Curriculum Review - S. Bandopadhyay No report was available. F. Developmental Studies - J. Weber A report was attached to the agenda. G. Faculty Appeals & Oversight - G. Chukwu A report was attached to the agenda. H. Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement - T. Robinson A report was attached to the agenda. IX Members' Comments/Questions - none The 2000-2001 Senate was adjourned. X Public Comments/Questions - Tanya Trabant from Career Services passed out information concerning career fairs and other sponsored events for next year. She encouraged faculty to try not to schedule mid-terms during the fairs your students may attend. The annual appreciation breakfast is scheduled mid-August. Career Services is working very hard on developing a comprehensive internship program for UAF. Students and employers are asking for internships. There are many opportunities from DOT to Disney. XI 2001-2002 Faculty Senate Members Take Their Seats A. Roll Call of 2001-2002 Members MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Bandopadhyay, S. Bond, S. Barnhardt, C. Bristow, W. Bruder, J. Bueler, E. Chukwu, G. Bult, A. Curda, L. Gladden, J. Davis, M. Lincoln, T. Eicken, H. Lindahl, M. Holton, G. McRoy, P. Illingworth, R. Mortensen, B. Kramer, D. Murray, M. Leguard, J. Reilly, T. Lin, C. Whiteledge, T. Mason, J. McBeath, J. McLean-Nelson, D. OTHERS PRESENT: Pinney, P. Duffy, L. Roth, M. Layral, S. Swazo, N. Leipzig, J. Weber, J. Trabant, T. Zilberkant, E. B President's Remarks - Norm Swazo Norm Swazo welcomed the continuing and new senate members, and thanked them for taking on the responsibility of academic citizenship through this service. He hopes to see everyone ready to continue with the work of the Faculty Senate. He also welcomed the President-Elect, Godwin Chukwu. XII New Senate Business A. Motion to endorse 2001-2002 committee membership, submitted by Administrative Committee The motion was approved with no objection. A break was called to elect standing committee chairs which are noted below. MOTION ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to endorse the 2001-2002 committee membership as attached. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: New Senate members' preference for committee selection were reviewed and weighted against membership distribution from schools and colleges. 2001 -2002 UAF FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP STANDING COMMITTEES Curricular Affairs Sukumar Bandopadhyay, SME (02) Carol Barnhardt, SOEd (03) James Gladden, CLA (03) Michael Hannigan, CRA (02) Gary Holton, CLA (03) Ron Illingworth, CRA (03)--chair Mary Lindahl, SOM (02) Pete Pinney, CRA (03)--chair, Curriculum Review Eduard Zilberkant, CLA (02) Ex-Officio: ^Ann Tremarello, Registrar's Office Wanda Martin, Advising Center Student Faculty Affairs Mike Davis, CRA (02) Kurt Kielland, CSEM (03) Joan Leguard, CLA (02) Jenifer McBeath, SALRM (02) Peter McRoy, SFOS (02)--chair Barry Mortensen, CRA (2) Terry Reilly, CLA (03) Ex-Officio: PERMANENT COMMITTEES Core Review (Elected) Sandra Bond, Justice, CLA (03) Suzanne Bordelon, English, CLA (03) William Bristow, Engineering/Management (02) Jin Brown, Communication, CLA (02)--convener Jill Faudree, Math, CSEM (02) Doug Schamel, CSEM, Sciences (02) Larry Vienniau, Humanities, CLA (02) Student: Ex-Officio: ^Director, Library Sue McHenry, RSS Developmental Studies Committee (Elected) Barbara Adams, Interior-Aleutians, CRA (03) Nancy Ayagarak, Kuskokwim, CRA (02) Patty Baldwin, RSS John Bruder, Bristol Bay, CRA (03) Richard Carr, English, CLA (03) John Creed, Chukchi, CRA (02) Marty Getz, Math, CSEM (02) Cindy Hardy, TVC (02) Ron Illingworth, Devel. Studies, CRA (03) Gary Laursen, Science, CSEM (03) Wanda Martin, Advising Center Joe Mason, Northwest, CRA (02) Jane Weber, TVC (02)--convener Ex-Officio: ^Jake Poole, Director, TVC Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee (Elected) Brian Himelbloom, SFOS (02) Glenn Juday, SALRM (03) Oscar Kawagley, SOEd. (02) Jerry Lipka, SOEd. (03) Joan Moessner, CLA (02)--chair Julie Riley, CRA/ACE (03) Mitch Roth, CSEM (02) Michael Schuldiner, CLA (03) Vacancies: CRA (03); CSEM (03) SALRM (02); SFOS (03) SOM (03); SOM (02) SME (03); SME (02) Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement Abel Bult, CSEM (03) George Charles, CLA (03) Linda Curda, CRA (03) Rheba Dupras, CLA (02) Deborah McLean, SOEd. (02)--convener Channon Price, CSEM Tom Robinson, SOM Ann Wilson, CRA (03) Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Sandra Bond, CLA (03) Ed Bueler, CSEM (03) Hajo Eicken, CSEM (02)--convener Don Kramer, SFOS (02) Chuen-Sen Lin, CSEM (02) Maribeth Murray, CLA (02) Roger Ruess, CSEM (02) Harikumar Sankaran, SOM (02) Madeline Schatz, CLA (02) 1 vacancy Ex-Officio: Joe Kan, Graduate Dean. Tamara Lincoln, Libraries Ann Tremarello, Director, A&R Norm Swazo, Senate President Graduate Student Graduate Student OTHER UAF Governance Coordinating Committee Norm Swazo, President Godwin Chukwu, President-Elect UAF Faculty Alliance Representatives Godwin Chukwu, President-Elect Larry Duffy, Past-President Norm Swazo, President **** B. Motion to approve the 2001-2002 UAF Faculty Senate meeting calendar, submitted by Administrative Committee Norm Swazo noted that some of the Senate meetings will be held in the Board of Regents' Conference Room. The motion was approved with no objection. MOTION ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt the following calendar for its 2001-2002 meetings. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Meetings have to be scheduled and the Wood Center Ballroom and/or the Board of Regents Conference Room reserved well in advance. ** UAF FACULTY SENATE 2001-2002 Calendar of Meetings Mtg. # Date Day Time Type 103 9/24/01 Monday 1:30 p.m. audioconference 104 10/29/01 Monday 1:30 p.m. face-to-face 105 12/10/01 Monday 1:30 p.m. audioconference 106 2/4/02 Monday 1:30 p.m. audioconference 107 3/4/02 Monday 1:30 p.m. face-to-face 108 4/8/02 Monday 1:30 p.m. audioconference 109 5/6/02 Monday 1:30 p.m. audioconference/ face-to-face Location: Wood Center Ballroom or Board of Regents Conference Room **** C. Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate during the summer months, submitted by Administrative Committee The motion was approved with no objection. MOTION ====== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate on all matters within its purview which may arise until the Senate resumes deliberations in the Fall of 2001. Senators will be kept informed of the Administrative Committee's meetings and will be encouraged to attend and participate in these meetings. EFFECTIVE: May 7, 2001 RATIONALE: This motion will allow the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate so that necessary work can be accomplished and will also allow Senators their rights to participate in the governance process. **** XIII Members' Comments/Questions Jenifer McBeath shared her experiences on her recent trip to China and the possibilities for exchanges between the University of òòò½´«Ã½ and the Northeast Agriculture University in Harbin, China. Godwin Chukwu thanked everyone for giving him the opportunity to serve. It is his objective to make sure we try to put our common goals together so as to work toward a common mission. He noted the poor attendance and stated he will be working with senate members to have full representation during each senate meeting. XIV Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m. Tapes of this Faculty Senate meeting are in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall if anyone wishes to listen to the complete tapes. Submitted by Sheri Layral, Faculty Senate Secretary.