ࡱ> ;=89:q` wvbjbjqPqP .::wn        SSSS,TNmTTTTTUUU&m(m(m(m(m(m(m$ph's|Lm XUUXXLm  TTam[[[X T T&m[X&m[[gh  6iTT X*̫SJYfbhiDwm0mrhsZs 6is 6iUqV|[VdQWSUUULmLm[ UUUmXXXXNNN2<NNN2<"         FACULTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Report to the Faculty Senate on Proposed Automated Annual Activities Reports Dehn, Reynolds, Hogan, Christie, Rosenberg, Barrick, Lowder, Bret-Harte, Fowell Summary Over the last few years, efforts have been underway to create an automated version of the annual activities reports. The initial rationale (2004) was to reduce faculty time in this effort and create an efficient paperless reporting system for all involved, worthy goals. In addition, the desire has been expressed by individuals ranging from faculty to upper administration to have ready access to data on university performance to highlight the achievements of UAF. Though these two goals intersect, there are serious issues that arise by merging them. It is difficult to remain impassionate about this issue, since it represents a significant incursion on faculty member time and personal data. The design of the present system was done with little or no buy-in from the faculty across UAFs campuses with varying needs. As a result, faculty discussions about this topic have been lively to say the least. Rumors have run rampant. This report attempts to cast an objective light on the topic and clarify the issues so the Faculty Senate can make an informed decision about the stand of the faculty on this effort. The annual activities reports serve the primary function of gauging the faculty members professional growth and development (see United Academics Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 9.2, and 򽴫ý Community Colleges' Federation of Teachers Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 5.3, appendices I and II). Over time, faculty and administrators have seen the value of the data in the annual activities reports to gauge and highlight the successes of the university and its parts. In order to reliably mine these reports, often administrators or their staff have entered key data in their own databases by hand. In an effort to serve both these needs and to streamline the process of reporting, a private firm was hired to create and test a computer database driven system. The Faculty Affairs Committee has several major concerns about this system for electronic faculty annual activity reports. The primary concern is security and potential misuse of faculty data in a manner not in accordance with the purpose of annual activities reports and the collective bargaining agreements. Second, inspection of the design process and resulting database system shows that few of the formal goals laid out at the beginning (2004-2005) are met by the new system. Third, its content has expanded well beyond the annual activities report, and it is perceived as onerous. Finally, it is poorly designed, with unnecessary data duplication and no apparent oversight as to its content. Given the serious errors in the database system outlined in this report, the review given by faculty of the School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, and the likely outcome of the application of this database system, the Faculty Affairs Committee recommends to the Faculty Senate to support the motion to not automate the annual activities reports, and instead build a database for professional products from the faculty to be managed from a central locality. Background Annual activities reports have been a part of this universitys efforts to guide and evaluate faculty development for many years. The forms also represent one of the few resources on campus where faculty productivity has been recorded in any sort of consistent format. As a result, many faculty and administrators have begun compiling these data by hand to answer questions on personal success or success of the department/institute/school/campus. The concept of automating this process campus wide gained wide acceptance, as shown by the positive response of the Faculty Alliance in 2004 (Appendix III). Many groups at UAF have approached this problem on their own. There are a plethora of databases on campus and off, which already hold much of the data that would be entered into an automated annual activities report. These range from publication databases, to archives of faculty vitae, courses taught, students mentored and other types of data such as outreach appearances, lectures to the public, etc In addition, many professional products of the faculty are available in public databases off campus, since by their very nature, most of these professional activities are public. These include systems like Google Scholar, or online citation indices. As can best be gathered, this topic came up as part of a Faculty Alliance discussion in December of 2004. At that time a draft document for guidelines for an automated reporting system was created (see Appendix III). This document gave the objectives of reducing faculty time on input, convenient process for workload and annual activities reports, paper-less creation review and revision using existing technology, controlled and secure access and reporting needs of faculty, unions, and administration. The guiding principles are also well considered, including security, flexibility, eliminate duplication, create policy (though it is unclear why this is here), maintain revisions, standardize definitions, and robust design. There was a clear funding timeline as well. At this time the project was for the entire University of 򽴫ý. The following February the Faculty Senate of the University of 򽴫ý Southeast (UAS) suggested revisions to this system, which follow much the draft charter from the Faculty Alliance (Appendix IV). The University of 򽴫ý Fairbanks (UAF) tried to pursue the matter on its own, hiring Digital Measures to create the database system based on an earlier design. A timeline for the product was created, and a pilot study performed with the aid of the School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS). The Faculty at UAA have decided to abandon this system, and the Faculty at UAS were informed in their Faculty Senate meeting on March 7 of this year that UAS would move forward with UAF for at least one year (Appendix V.) Current Implementation The current system tested by SFOS is quite expansive and contains a minimum of over 300 data fields per faculty member. Faculty who have been very productive have a larger number of fields to fill out, for example each publication has 37 fields to fill, if they are sole author. Each co-author adds a few more. A typical faculty member producing 4 papers a year with co-authors is looking at well over 150 fields to fill in, which cannot easily be filled by cut and paste. A summary of the fields is given in Table 1, by heading in the reports main menu screen. Table 1. Headings of each section of the pilot study report form HeadingMinimum number of fields per activityScheduled Teaching27Undergraduate advising4Graduate advising13Non-credit instruction9Artisitic and Pro performances23Contract, grants research25Publications37Intellectual property22Conference, workshops17Other scholarly activity13University service13Professional service14Public service13Consulting13External partnerships12Media contributions9Personal contact info5Admin data15Government and military11Administrative assignments10Awards and honors8Education10Faculty development activities15Licenses certificates10Professional memberships11Workload info0Other contributions7Total headings = 27Total unique fields = 366  Considering the entire report, each faculty member would have to answer (or check for automatically filled data) over 550 fields. Note that not each faculty member would have entries under each heading, but will likely have multiple entries under those appropriate for them. Given an average faculty members output based on current expectations in the sciences and about 30 seconds per entry field for a well prepared person and a complete CV (quick given that some text fields require longer, and even drop down boxes require cognitive checking of ones choice), a typical time for completion would exceed 5 hours of uninterrupted work in data entry. Given the time required for breaks from staring at a computer screen, and that faculty have other duties than to fill out this form, only a couple hours per day could reasonably be spent on this report. Finally, much of the data requested is not commonly included in a CV, hence must be researched, taking even more time. It is estimated that a typical faculty member would require a few days to complete the report. This matches well with the responses from the SFOS pilot survey. Many of the fields in the pilot study form are new to annual activities reports, and it is unclear what purpose they serve other than to provide statistics for measuring performance of the faculty member or the university. A total of 247 of the 366 unique fields in the current system are entirely new, not a part of previous or current annual activities reports. The current form is available for comparison at this link:  HYPERLINK "http://www.uaf.edu/provost/promotion_and_tenure/annual_evaluation/2006-07AnnualActivitiesReport.doc" http://www.uaf.edu/provost/promotion_and_tenure/annual_evaluation/2006-07AnnualActivitiesReport.doc In other words, over 67% of the fields in the current pilot electronic form are new. This was determined by comparing the forms, being generous by not counting fields such as explanation of other when other was chosen via drop down. Overall the system is poorly designed relative to current database technologies. Over two thirds of the fields (245 of 366) are free-form alpha-numeric text entry, requiring complex parsing of responses to extract data, or otherwise of little use for any meaningful statistic. For example, searching for publications in the journal Science would yield hits for several journals containing the word science in their titles. Furthermore, one would need to search for all possible variants of the journals name. While few faculty are likely to call this journal anything other than Science, entries could take the form of the formal name, Science Magazine. The journal Nature has recently split into several separate journals. Other journals with longer names, with several common usages, or for which faculty enter abbreviations rather than the full name, will be more difficult to track. Each alpha-numeric entry would have to be parsed and error checked, compared against a known table of entries. This is a virtual impossibility with the large number of possible entries, which changes almost daily. The current form of the database can only generate part of the annual activities report. In order to complete an annual activities report, the old form would still be required for all narratives or other potentially sensitive information. Given this, it does not seem that this data system is tailored for annual activities reporting, rather for measuring faculty and university productivity. Advantages A database of the public professional products of the faculty can provide summary information to aid faculty members in preparation of their annual activities reports, but beyond this could be used to look at groups of faculty, schools, colleges and MAUs to highlight the strengths and achievements of the university. Presumably the system will have the ability easily query the data, but this has yet to be shown to the faculty. Other advantages of the system seem elusive. Disadvantages The best approach to this section would be to follow the objectives, guidelines and constraints drafted in the Faculty Alliance and UAS Senate reports (Appendices III and IV). The approach agreed upon by the alliance had the following objectives: Reduce faculty time required to fill out workload and activity reports. The number of data fields have increased from around 120 to over 360. Much of the new information requested is not commonly used in vitae, or necessarily relevant to annual activity reporting. Examples include, number of persons present at an outreach lecture, names, addresses and contact information for all external partnerships including beginning and end dates to the day, specific role of each co-author in a publication or proposal, etc Gathering this new information adds significantly to the time needed to fill out this report. Convenient, automated process for creation of faculty workload that transforms into an editable activity report This form, due to the requirements to have personal comments and self evaluations kept private, does not transform into an editable report. The reporting function was not complete at the time of the beta-test, and it is unclear how this would even be useful for creation of a complete annual activity report. Paper-less creation, review, revision and communication of faculty workloads and activity reports that integrates with existing technology to the greatest extent possible. The review and revision of the reports will not be done in this system, since a key component, the narrative self-evaluation will not be in this database. The integration with existing technology is poor. In the SFOS pilot study, the system failed at extracting data from Banner about half the time. This was the only other resource that was attempted to be used. There was no ability to enter any fields from the faculty members own database (e.g. of publications, the doi number not even included as a data field) or from online sources. The duplication of pre-existing efforts is immense. Controlled, secure access over the public internet to faculty workload and activity reports. There are no assurances here. To most that are familiar with modern computing technologies, secure access over the public internet is an oxymoron. There is precedent for data being considered a saleable asset in litigation of failing software companies. Information and reporting capabilities to meet needs of faculty, unions and UA administration. The needs of faculty were not considered in the design of this system. A survey of deans and directors does not constitute this. Granted this is a beta test, but its design is poor, and Digital Measures would have been better served to poll its data entry users before building the software. The guidelines were equally poorly adhered to. Each guideline and key issue is listed here with comment from the perspective of the current system. Security of information See point above, this was not specifically addressed in the software, nor demonstrated in the pilot study. Flexibility for new and different information The menu system could not be described as flexible. Eliminate duplication of data entry Little attempt was made to limit duplication. This ranges from smaller levels in the software where each date must be entered as three separate fields, rather than most modern systems which accept a field like 05/May/2008, to larger issues where a co-author on a publication would not automatically have that field successfully filled in their report There were severe problems in handling multiple investigators on a grant or award. There was no attempt to use existing databases on campus or off for items like publications, teaching assignments, grade distributions, etc Create policy regarding aggregation and use of information This was not addressed by the system, the subjects and entry personnel of the database were not asked, and policy not applied to the data. The only response seems to have been to remove sensitive information after concerns of the faculty were voiced. Maintain revisions This may actually be a guideline that will be met, but since the system is not yet functional, it cannot be judged at this time. Standardize definitions This has not been performed with the vast majority of free form alpha-numeric fields. This is also something that must be done with the subjects of the database who actually perform the activities described therein. The faculty have as yet to be involved in the design of the system. Lack of error checking, and complexity of the form is such that the variance in how data is entered from faculty member to faculty member will be large. Even a single faculty member will likely use different formats from year to year. This makes statistical analysis of the data virtually impossible. Robust design and user friendly functionality Here the design is poor, it is not robust, nor user friendly. A copy of the entry forms is available upon request, it was not added to this report in the interest of brevity. There are over 40 base entry screens. Two constraints on the system were also given by the Faculty Alliance. They were: Funding for on-going operation has not been identified Clearly support was identified, and the project has an elaborate timeline through 2011 covering all campuses are far more than the electronic annual activity reporting. The timeline is available upon request. Implementation requires full participation of faculty, chairs and deans. This is perhaps the most egregious failing, since there has been no faculty buy-in in the creation of this system. A final observation that should be stressed is that this system is of very poor technical quality. It represents database design of the last decade. Superior database design skills are available at UAF, and represented in virtually every operational system on campus. This raises the question of why an external system was used at considerable expense, rather than to support local faculty to create a system that would fit the needs of the users made by the users. Discussion Based on the findings above, it seems there are two needs trying to be met by a single reporting process. However these two needs are at odds on many levels. The Faculty Annual Activities Reports are documents primarily designed to help a faculty member chart their career and progress, and reporting this to their Deans or Directors. This includes material of a personal nature and enables the Dean or Director to help guide their faculty and institute or college/school. The reports aid preparation of a tenure or promotion packet (their formats are virtually the same). The second function is a measure of faculty productivity, which is public information needed to help gauge the performance of the university, and of key importance to many to highlight our successes. Though the information is contained within the annual activities reports, it is inextricably entwined with personal data of students and faculty that should not be shared publicly. The current proposed system does not clearly separate these data. It is unclear based on any written documentation how these are to be, or even can be separated. This is the source of faculty concern about database security. The large number of new fields in the current system is also of concern. Though some of these are designed for faculty to better represent their varied activities, many are simply for evaluation purposes not outlined in the old activities reports. It is not clear how the new fields will be used as evaluation criteria. This would seem to be a matter for union involvement. Many potentially useful fields from the old reports are missing in the new system. Most notably other instructors in a team taught course, hours spent in course preparation, dates of conferences attended among others. Why were these fields deemed no longer necessary. Overall the new proposed system did not take advantage of existing databases or the experience of faculty. For example, the Digital Measures system asks faculty to fill out at least 37 fields per publication. The DOI number should be sufficient for all journal and monograph publications, as there are public databases that could be queried for a standardized full citation. The same could be done with an ISBN number, or a common desktop program like EndNote. Much of the data is available through banner, re-entering the data in the Digital Measures system is redundant, and could lead to errors. It is unclear what would happen if ingested data was found to be in error, would the faculty be able to make those corrections and effect both databases? How would this effect data integrity? There has been limited faculty involvement in the development of this database system and the input provided by the Faculty Alliance was not followed. Given the free-form text nature of most of the entries, and the non-standardization of input types and fields, it is doubtful that any useful metric could be extracted. It is fact that with the large anticipated number of users (over 700 at UAF alone), each user or group of users would have different ways of entering data. For example, an English professor would represent their publication differently than a Chemist. Even from year to year for a specific faculty member, inputs will change. This leads invariably to a data-pile that cannot produce meaningful statistics. Any statistic based on this would have to be hand checked, or run the great risk of misrepresenting the university. Many faculty will feel that an onerous form is an incursion on their time better spent teaching, writing proposals, or performing their field of specialty. Many we have spoken to have resigned themselves to filling out the minimum required each year to save literally days of time. Whether this is wise is debatable, since the time would need to be spent on data entry before tenure or promotion, but in any case, results in severely under-reporting the productivity of the university. The Digital Measures database system, though apparently in use by other campuses, is an incomplete product at best, and not ready for pilot or beta testing. It is not overstated to say that a typical senior computer science major at UAF could have made a better product in less time. The entire design process left out the majority of the faculty, and has resulted in a feeling of disenfranchisement to most who have used it. It is the view of the committee that much of the concern about this system could have been avoided had it been created in a more transparent manner with a pro-active approach to gathering faculty input before it was tested on a school. At UAA and UAS, the system was rejected by faculty. However, recently at UAS the system has been given another chance in spite of faculty misgivings (see Appendix V). The measurement of university and unit performance falls logically to an administrative role, rather than a faculty role. The Faculty currently provide the information in the annual activities reports, and many administrative bodies have staff who enter this data in into a database in a consistent format. Some of this is by hand, but most is cut and paste from an electronic file. The advantage of having an online database of these measures updated regularly instead of an annual input of data is clear, allowing administrators to respond rapidly and accurately to requests for information. What is not clear is why this administrative task has become the responsibility of the faculty in addition to their role of education, research and outreach. Recommendations The Faculty Affairs Committee recommends abandoning the Digital Measures system as a way of gathering data on faculty professional products, because it is poorly designed, prone to error, and does not effectively take advantage of current systems already available to UAF such as DOI and ISBN numbers or the Banner system. However, the faculty recognizes and supports the needs of faculty, department chairs, deans, directors and administrators to have ready access to the professional products of the faculty. We would support an automated system if it indeed followed the guidelines of the Faculty Alliance Charter. We suggest that the expertise on campus, for example in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering or Department of Computer Science could do a better, more cost-effective job of designing an efficient and productive database system for this purpose tailored to the unique needs of the University of 򽴫ý. Appendices Documentation United Academics Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 9.2 򽴫ý Community Colleges' Federation of Teachers Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 5.3 Faculty Alliance Draft Workload Charter from 17 December 2004. Hinterbergers UA Faculty Workload Charter from February and May 2005 as edited by UAS Faculty Senate. Unpublished draft minutes of UAS Faculty Senate meeting, March 7, 2008, last edited on March 17, 2008. Appendix I: United Academics Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 9.2 9.2 Evaluation Unit members shall be evaluated regularly and in writing in accordance with this Agreement. Such evaluation shall be the responsibility of the chancellor or the chancellor's designee. Evaluations shall appraise the extent to which each unit member has met the performance assignment, the extent to which the unit member's professional growth and development has proceeded, and the prospects for the unit member's continued professional growth and development. Evaluations shall also identify changes, if any, in emphasis required for promotion, tenure and continued professional growth and may result in the initiation of processes to improve performance. MAU rules and procedures shall identify processes which shall be available to assist unit members in the improvement of performance. Unit members annually shall provide a current curriculum vitae (CV) and Annual Activity Report for review by their dean or the deans designee. Nothing in this article may be construed as conferring supervisory status on department heads/chairs. Formal or informal evaluations conducted by department heads/chairs may be considered along with other information provided by the faculty member or available to the reviewer. Written documentation of such evaluation shall be made available to the affected unit member. These evaluations shall play a part in determining if the unit member shall be retained, promoted, or tenured. The nonprocedural aspects of the evaluation of unit members shall be considered substantive academic judgments. Appendix II: 򽴫ý Community Colleges' Federation of Teachers Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 5.3 5.3 Evaluation Evaluation processes, such as those for promotion and tenure review, for individual Faculty Members shall be the same as policy in effect on June 27, 2006, and all changes as agreed to by the parties: A. For the purpose of this agreement, and any statement in University policy which may conflict notwithstanding, the policy covering evaluation of individual Faculty Members shall not be changed for Faculty Members during the course of this Agreement. B. The University and the Union agree that evaluation policies in which decisions are made within MAUs are desirable. New policies which reflect this goal will be generated through the normal governance structure and will be patterned on the current Regional Review Process. These policies will become effective when approved by the University and the Union. No changes will be made in UAA policy, which shall continue to include department head review. Appendix III: Faculty Alliance Draft Workload Charter, December 17, 2004  Appendix IV: Hinterbergers UA Faculty Workload Charter from February and May 2005 as edited by UAS Faculty Senate.  Appendix V: Unpublished draft minutes of UAS Faculty Senate meeting, March 7, 2008, last edited on March 17, 2008. Under heading 4. Chairs Report: fourth item listed -Electronic Faculty Activity Reports: UAF and UAS have agreed to continue with the electronic activity report. UAS has agreed to pay its share to participate for (at least) another year. There will continue to be glitches. Schools of Education and Management participated in pilot this year. Next year will be another pilot year. Q: The form in the Handbook will probably go away next year and be replaced by the electronic activity report. )1h '`bfl459<(,t  l q !!!!M"N"""##$$$$7$9$O$h9CJOJQJ^JaJ hSkh9CJOJQJ^JaJ&hSkh956CJOJQJ^JaJh : h956hBhBh9H*hc\ hi$)h9h4h956 h95h h95h98i . A? 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