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Roll Call for 2009-10 Faculty Senate Members Present:Members Absent: Others Present:ABRAMOWICZ, KenANGER, AndyBrian RogersALLEN, JaneHANSEN, RogerSusan HenrichsBAKER, CarrieHAZIRBABA, KenanDana ThomasBARTLETT, ChristaHOCK, RegineAlex Hwu Guest SpeakerBOGOSYAN, SetaJIN, MeibingEric MadsenBROCIOUS, HeidiJOLIE, JulySine AnahitaCAHILL, CathyKONAR, BrendaMarsha SousaCHRISTIE, AnneLAWLOR, OrionDenise WartesDAVIS, MikeLIANG, JingjingJosef GlowaDEHN, JonathanMOSES, DebraCindy HardyDONG, LilyFOWELL, Sarah Non-voting Members:GANGULI, Rajive (via audio)Tim StickelHUETTMANN, FalkDenis WiesenburgKADEN, UtePete PinneyKERR, Marianne (via audio)Adrian TriebelKOUKEL, Sonja (via audio)Martin KleinLARDON, CecileLEONARD, Beth (via audio)MCINTYRE, JulieNEWBERRY, RainerPALTER, Morris (Vincent Cee)RALONDE, RayREYNOLDS, JenniferROBERTS, LarryTHOMAS, AmberWEBER, JaneWILSON, Timothy B. Approval of Minutes to Meeting #161 The minutes were approved as distributed. C. Adoption of Agenda The agenda was adopted as distributed. II Status of Chancellor's Office Actions A. Motions Approved: 1. Motion to Post Course Syllabi Online 2. Motion to Adopt Accreditation Core Themes (as amended on the floor) B. Motions Pending: None III Public Comments No public comments were made. IV A. President's Comments Jonathan Dehn Faculty Alliance had their retreat with President Hamilton. The presidential search was discussed at length. Jon invited faculty to submit names of potential candidates for the presidency from the university. The search firm is in the process of identifying potential candidates, so theres still time for submissions. Faculty Alliance also made a motion in support of increasing student wages by $1 per hour, as did Staff Alliance. The Governance Coordinating Committee met recently. GCC normally arbitrates potential disputes between the governance bodies of student, faculty and staff. Several committees that used to be under GCC are no longer under them. So, they are looking at redefining their role and rewriting their procedures. They will develop official conduits of communication to give each governance body a voice in mutual matters. Theyve agreed to meet more often and Jon has agreed to chair the committee. B. President-Elect's Report Cathy Cahill Committee on the Integration of Research and Teaching in the Sciences (CIRTS): A preliminary survey of West Ridge faculty has gone out to look at whether or not the system is working. Rich Collins will visit the Senate as soon as they have more information from the survey compiled together about the integration of teaching and research (before they go campus-wide). There is over a 50% response rate so far on the West Ridge groups surveyed. Cathy announced open forums with the representatives from Follett Bookstore. Details about the meetings were given (November 12 and 13 meetings). Cathy encouraged everyone to participate and give feedback. Cathy announced a message sent out from Earlina Bowden, about a mediation program being kicked off on November 12 at the Akasofu building. The Chancellor will speak at the kick-off meeting. The program is open to faculty and staff. There will be workplace dispute training. [Handouts were available at the back table.] Cecile L. asked if Senate leadership will have their own meeting with Follett. It was agreed that a meeting would be arranged. But all senators are encouraged to attend the open forums. The last time there was very poor attendance. Anne C. asked about the CIRTS survey and its audience. Cathy clarified the current survey audience are comprised of West Ridge faculty and research units (SFOS, IAB, GI, CNSM, and IARC). Then the effort will be taken to other faculty on campus. V A. Chancellors Comments Brian Rogers (The Chancellor was detained at the Chamber of Commerce meeting. The Chamber was voting on their legislative priorities for this year, two of their nominations being the university budget and the Life Sciences building. He wanted to stay and cast his vote, which was the reason for his late arrival. Susan Henrichs comments and guest speaker Alex Hwu therefore preceded his comments at the meeting as heard on the audio recordings.) BOR Meeting report: Theres an interesting change in the BORs budget process this year. After the Senate Finance Committees criticism of the university last month for basically advocating a budget differing from the Governors budget (which theyve done the past two years when they didnt have the Governors support, but hadnt done the eight prior years when they had the Governors support), the BOR is trying to get its budget request in line with the Governors budget again. President Hamilton and key Regents will meet with the Governor and discuss whether or not theyre in line with what the Governor can support. Operating Budget: Theres no change in the approach from prior years, with the fixed costs of compensation and other fixed costs coming first, and then a series of programmatic increments. The primary changes for us from last year include 1.) more permanent funding for CES and the 򽴫ý Center for Energy and Power, which had received only one-time funding last year; 2.) MAP funding is being requested for positions in five communities; and 3.) funding for key student service positions at rural campuses that have been federally funded and need to move to state funding to continue. As reported before, the capital budget approach has changed dramatically, getting away from the laundry list approach. There are three priorities on the draft request: 1.) deferred maintenance totaling $100 million dollars; 2.) the Life Sciences building; and 3.) planning for new facilities (engineering facilities in Fairbanks and Anchorage, and feasibility on several rural facilities). Brian wants to meet with the ad hoc Advisory Research Committee and draft a position description for the vice chancellor for research position which will be filled by means of a national search. Faculty Senate and ARC representation on that search committee is planned. Filling the vice chancellor for students position is still in progress. Accreditation themes are still being drafted, but approaching the task with multiple committees is proving to be a challenge. Hes expecting much discussion and back and forth on these themes. Faculty participation was encouraged at the Follett Bookstore forums and meetings planned this week. Some ways have been identified to improve the process significantly from the way its gone the past two semesters. Brian mentioned he was glad we had Alex here today to speak about distance ed delivery we need to be aware of in-state demand and the national competition that is faced here in 򽴫ý. In order to address it, lots of discussion is needed. He feels the next task is to look at what programs we can offer through e-learning and distance delivery not just individual courses but what programs can be offered entirely or nearly entirely through these means. It will take work over the next couple of years in how we think about workloads, course and program development and how we ensure that we keep a quality curriculum. B. Provosts Remarks Susan Henrichs Susan H. wasnt able to attend the BOR meeting on the budget last week due to illness. But according to what the chancellor has reported, its looking good. They are still preparing a budget request that would be accepted in its entirety by the Governor. Negotiations are still going back and forth, and its going to be some weeks before thats completed. Academic Master Plan: The Statewide Academic Council, (provosts, Dan Julius, and representatives from Faculty Alliance) had prepared a draft that they were satisfied with; but when it got the Presidents Cabinet they were dissatisfied with it, wanting some additions and changes. SAC is waiting for clarification on what those desired changes are. There will be plenty of time for the Senate to review it, however. Dana T. will again address the core themes for accreditation. Some new changes have come out of Chancellors Cabinet, even though the Chancellor had signed off on the Senates motion approving those. Theyll be routed again through Senate if that is desired, if folks feel the changes are substantial enough for that to be done. VI Governance Reports A. Staff Council Martin Klein Martin thanked Jon for agreeing to serve as GCC chair. Since the last Staff Council meeting they passed a motion regarding the 3% staff salary increase in the FY11 budget. They feel its insufficient and testified to that at the BOR meeting along with submitting a letter to the Board. They havent heard back from BOR on that topic yet. Theyre currently conducting new elections online. Staff Appreciation Day is set for May 19, the Wednesday after graduation in spring. B. ASUAF Adrian Triebel Student Government reps also went to the BOR meeting and spoke on behalf of the Life Sciences Building. They sent some signed postcards to Governor Sean Parnell from student constituents. He mentioned that BOR supported the student wage raise. Currently, theyre working with various committees (CDAC, SRC, Food for Thought, and the mutual committee on the Family Friendly Workplace). For the Follett forum on Friday the 13th, theyre thinking about having a Kool-Aid campaign, where theyll spray-paint bright red lettering about the Bookstore Forum in the snow to help give it attention. They want to improve attendance at the event. Theyre prepping for Juneau. Their student Regent and their coalition speaker (out of Anchorage) Peter Finn came up and they showed him around. Theyve started working with a company called Off Campus Solutions (part of Sodexo) regarding the student saver program, giving students discounts at Fairbanks stores, and theyve been contacting vendors to arrange for that. Theyre encouraging students to wear their UAF gear when they go shopping to show the local presence of UAF in the stores. Tonight the German Club is meeting to observe the Berlin Wall anniversary at 7 PM in 206 Reichardt Building. Everyone is invited to come to that. Also, the student elections are coming up in the near future. C. UAFT/UNAC No one was present to report. VII Guest Speaker: Alex Hwu, Director, Center for Distance Education Topic: Faculty Development in Distance Education Delivery Jon mentioned the Legislative Audit (which the chancellor was going to address). It had four recommendations in it, one of which was improving faculty development in distance ed delivery. Guest speaker Alex Hwu will talk about this today. CDE facts were presented by Alex with a PowerPoint presentation. Its now posted online at the Senate meetings web page: http://www.uaf.edu/uafgov/faculty/09-10_senate_meetings/index.html#162 He mentioned that enrollment for FY09 was over 6,500 students, with 20,000 credit hours and they have been growing 8-10% the last three years. This fall semester their growth has been a 12% increase. So far this year theyre serving 4,300 students. 91% of their students are within 򽴫ý, with 9% from outside of the state. Of those in 򽴫ý, 70% are in the Fairbanks region, with 50-55% being students who live in the dormitories. Most of the students from outside of the Fairbanks region are from Anchorage. 31% of the students are male, and 69% are female, reflecting campus averages. CDE students are younger than the national average because the majority are from on-campus, and most of those are degree-seeking. They have some incarcerated students. CDE is offering about 140-150 courses from about 40 departments. Still, there are no online degrees awarded out of their unit. They utilize about 80 instructors, most of them from the main campus. To offer an online course, they usually approach a department chair and find out what courses students are requesting. They ask for a content expert from the department for consulting with during the course development -- thats usually a professor, but may also be an approved adjunct from the department. They consider the approved course outcomes by the department, and they have internal quality control to make sure the transition from face-to-face content to online content meets the objectives. They take the course content back to the department for final approval before its offered. Alex stressed that online delivery is very different from the traditional classroom. Its a different pedagogy. They look at crucial outcomes first, and then they look at the general objectives what is best type of knowledge usage to meet those criteria of the standardized outcomes. They focus on both the learning community of students as well as faculty. Incoming students are more tech savvy than any generation before them. How they communicate must be considered. Email is getting to be a dinosaur for the younger student body they text message, twitter and do Facebook and forms of social media. CDE wants to help faculty find the best tools to use to communicate with students and engage them in learning. They have a dedicated student services staff for handling registration, helping them with technical difficulties, and tracking students. They have their own bookstore. Degree seeking students are the majority served by CDE, from all three MAUs--UAA, UAS and UAF. They also have students from outside of 򽴫ý who are degree-seeking, utilizing the available 150 courses toward their degrees (no degrees are awarded by CDE). They field many phone calls daily from students asking what they can do with all their online credits. CDE would like to be able to offer online degrees. They have lots of enquiries concerning Psychology, Justice, Health, and Computer Science. CDE is one course short of offering all of the core courses. Theyre currently working with the Biology department to put BIOL F103X online; it would use a kit to fulfill the lab portion. There are three lab courses online. CDE has been offering iTeach a one-week training for faculty on how to build online courses. They take 15-20 faculty per session for the hands-on training. Theyve offered one section at each of the MAUs a small audience right now. Theyre trying to work with the Faculty Development Office to find a way to broaden the opportunity for the training. During spring semester theyre going to try to provide a couple of 2-day trainings and reach more faculty. iDesign focuses on training instructional designers. They also plan to take this training to iTeach faculty and have those faculty be able to share their successes with others. They wish to provide the tools for faculty to take back to their classrooms and use. CDE offers four hours of consulting time to each individual faculty to discuss their concerns about technology use in their classrooms. Faculty may also schedule time with their instructional designers. Faculty are also encouraged to contact Alex directly. The Distance Education Gateway was described. Students can access a database online to find out about distance ed course offerings throughout the state. One particular course might be offered in five different delivery formats over several different locations, for example, via Blackboard or audio conferencing or video conferencing or by a combination of synchronized methods, depending upon the campus providing the course. The Gateway helps students find what courses are being offered in various distance delivery formats, to help them identify what course will fit their needs. Looking forward to the future, CDE is paying attention to both student success and quality improvement. Faculty payment models constrain how they can deliver quality courses. Theyre moving away from payment based upon numbers of lessons graded because many courses involve project based learning which doesnt fit into the model of 21 lessons. Theyre talking with the Provosts office and will eventually negotiate with the unions to find a better approach. They are trying a pilot program of paying adjuncts which frees them from the past constraints, helping them focus more on quality of courses. CDE is also trying tuition revenue sharing with the unit where the course originates. If the majority of the course is with CDE, then 90% of the tuition revenue stays with CDE (and they pay the faculty) and 10% goes back to the school/college unit. If a course has grown and the school/college unit wants to now take it back and pay the faculty from their unit, then they get 60% of the tuition revenue and CDE gets 40%. They want to find the best way to expand the course offerings in partnership with the colleges and schools, providing students with more choices that fit their schedules. Their research shows that a large percentage of students could not otherwise take a course except by distance delivery. Alex showed a slide from the PowerPoint that depicts the 5-year enrollment trend. Theyve steadily grown by 10%, and thats without degree programs online. Hes confident that by working together they can greatly increase that growth. CDE credit hours are being soft-ledgered back to the schools and colleges, which is shown on the Performance Budgeting web site. They do not want to be viewed as competition to UAF programs or the faculty they need the faculty to carry out their mission. Academic oversight resides with the faculty, and departments hold the course designators. CDE just provides the means for distance delivery and coordinating those details and needs, and their success must involve the faculty, programs and departments. Cecile L. asked Alex from his experience how well does more interactive technology work in rural 򽴫ý. Alex responded that if high speed internet is assumed, that helps tremendously. Right now theyve increased their synchronization component in their courses to have weekly deadlines, to make the student participate and engage in learning (not wait several weeks before they finally decide to start learning). Right now their student success rate is not robust; its about 52%, and they want to raise it to 80%. Its doable from his experience, but more participation is needed at the department/unit level to look at the challenges and problems together. If there is no high speed internet, then they fall back on audio conferencing. Theyre also looking at Mobile Learning cell phone signals will reach across 򽴫ý before the internet catches up. Theres an emphasis on combining the interactive material in a standalone learning object to put onto mobile devices such as small laptops, netbooks, iPhones or other smart phone devices which still allow for interactive participation. Cecile mentioned the cost of these devices. Alex said the goal is to meet the student need, and the tuition cost could include the devices purchased in mass quantity, programmed and set up by CDE so that they control the content and tech support is not an issue because they know the equipment. The issue of assessing learning outcomes for distance courses was brought up by Dana T. because its a requirement of institutional accreditation for courses and programs no matter how theyre delivered to meet the same outcomes. Dana was particularly concerned about Core courses. Alex says they go back to the academic departments and ask them to review the distance courses offered under their designators and make sure they meet their standards for student learning outcomes. Theyve also hired a student advisor and faculty liaison person to look at how student learning success is measured. They look at national guidelines and checklists from several recognized sources for what should be included in distance ed courses, and how many interactions should be included, and so on. They can document the students participation with e-conversations and post recordings its all being archived. Theyre working on making it possible to see every students learning path online. They provide feedback to the department and faculty and use the info to determine their progress as a unit, also. Theyre developing continuous two-year cycle of review for all their courses. They have to evolve with the technology which is changing all the time. Jon D. asked about the fours hours per faculty that was mentioned and whether it was per class, per semester or per year. Alex said it hasnt been utilized so he has to see how that gets used before he sets that standard. Any faculty is welcome to talk to their design teams; right now they have very little utilization. Jon also noticed the number of student credit hours and enrollment numbers for graduate students seems to be dropping over the last five years. Alex responded that the cost of graduate tuition was the first issue; and they did not have a holistic view of graduate course offerings how they apply to degrees. Students are looking for the cheapest means to fill their need and want something in return. CDEs competition is from the lower 48, and he wants to partner with programs and units meet students needs. BREAK VIII New Business A. Motion to Reaffirm the Journalism Department Unit Criteria (Attachment 162/1) Julie M. introduced the motion. The criteria were very straightforward and a few suggested changes from the Unit Criteria Committee were made by the department. The motion was called to question and seconded, and the votes approving the motion were unanimous. IX Discussion Items A. Update about Core Curriculum and AACU LEAP Essential Learning Outcomes Falk Huettmann, Ken Abramowicz Falk gave an update on the topic, noting that theyve been working on this for about seven weeks. They met with four members from last years Core Revitalization and Assessment Committee to ask questions and hold a discussion. At their next meeting they will be talking about learning outcomes and compare them between the Core and the LEAP versions. Following that they will look at core courses and review them accordingly. Falk noted that Core Revitalization members reiterated that this effort is for the future of UAF. CAC meeting minutes are attached. Rajive G. asked if UAA and UAS are also doing this review. Is there an effort to unify this effort across the MAUs? Falk said no, not so far, and he thinks its a great question. Falk said that Core Revitalization group pointed out that some findings applied more to rural areas than the campus. Rajive asked when courses will be identified that make up the LEAP outcomes. Falk said the discussion on that is down the road in a couple more meetings or a month or so. Jon said that at the next Faculty Alliance meeting hell ask what is going on at the other MAUs regarding this topic. Cecile L. asked what content issues or discussion topics are being raised. Falk talked about the elements of teamwork that have been proposed, and the discussions around how teamwork might be assessed, along with concepts like beliefs and ethics which seem difficult to assess effectively. They are still trying to wrap their minds around some of these proposed concepts that are quite broad, such as What should the preparation for the future of the 򽴫ý workforce look like? Ken mentioned the discussion about bringing in new core elements such as personal and social responsibility and community involvement. At the same time theres concern about basics such as communication skills, writing and math. Theres a cost to widening or broadening the core -- to what extent do they want to broaden what is addressed in the Core, and how closely will they stick to basics. They invite comments and involvement. Jon said the committee meetings are open and anyone is welcome to attend. Ken A. addressed the question on when they will look at the core courses. The core wont be driven by courses but, they will be discussed after the direction is agreed upon and that will drive the individual courses. B. Update on the Accreditation Core Themes Dana Thomas Dana T. invited participation by any faculty with free time to the accreditation committee. He provided a handout (see next page) just before the meeting began which includes the theme lists with chronological changes over the past weeks by committees, so he read aloud the information provided since it was so last minute. Approved by the faculty senate on October 12, 2009 Educate: Undergraduate and Graduate Students Discover: Through Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity with an Emphasis on the North and its Peoples Prepare: 򽴫ýs Career and Technical Workforce Connect: Contemporary and Traditional Knowledge and 򽴫ý Native, Rural and Urban Communities Serve: 򽴫ýns via Lifelong Learning Opportunities, Outreach, and Community Engagement Revised by Chancellors Cabinet on November 2, 2009 Educate: Undergraduate and Graduate Students Discover: Through Research with an Emphasis on the North and its Peoples NEW ONE UNDER DEVELOPMENT = Enrich or Inspire: Through Scholarship and Creative Activity Prepare: 򽴫ýs Career, Technical, and Professional Workforce Connect: Contemporary and Traditional Knowledge with 򽴫ý Native, Rural and Urban Communities Engage: 򽴫ýns via Lifelong Learning, Outreach, and Community and Economic Development Response by Accreditation Steering Committee November 9, 2009 Educate: Undergraduate and Graduate Students Discover: Through Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity including an Emphasis on the North and its Peoples Prepare: 򽴫ýs Career, Technical, and Professional Workforce Connect: 򽴫ý Native, Rural and Urban Communities through Contemporary and Traditional Knowledge Engage: 򽴫ýns via Lifelong Learning, Outreach, and Community Development The steering committee vote counts were as follows: 12 in favor and 6 opposed to a single theme for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity 11 in favor and 7 opposed to including vs with in the Discover theme 13 in favor and 4 opposed to deleting and Economic in Engage Unanimous in the revision of the Connect theme On November 9, 2009 the faculty senate voted to accept the Accreditation Steering Committee revisions above with one exception the senate approved Engage: 򽴫ýns via Lifelong Learning, Outreach, and Community and Sustainable Economic Development The handout provided has three lists of accreditation themes, including: 1.) those approved by Faculty Senate; 2.) those revised by Chancellors Cabinet; and 3.) those from this mornings accreditation steering committee meeting. [Reference the previous page which contains the actual handout that was provided.] In Chancellors Cabinet, the Discover theme was used to create two themes. One reads Discover: Through research with an Emphasis on the North and its Peoples; and a new one under development reads Enrich: or Inspire: Through Scholarship and Creative Activity. Another revision by the Cabinet, after hearing input from SOM, SOEd and CEM, was Prepare: 򽴫ýs Career, Technical, and Professional Workforce. Professional was added by Cabinet. The Connect theme stayed the same, except Cabinet changed and to with as follows: Connect: Contemporary and Traditional Knowledge WITH 򽴫ý Native, Rural and Urban a Communities. Serve was changed to Engage, becoming Engage: 򽴫ýns via Lifelong Learning, Outreach and Community and Economic Development. Dana then read the changes suggested by the Steering Committee from this mornings meeting: Educate: Undergraduate and Graduate Students Discover: Through Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity including an Emphasis on the North and its Peoples Prepare: 򽴫ýs Career, Technical, and Professional Workforce Connect: 򽴫ý Native, Rural and Urban Communities through Contemporary and Traditional Knowledge Engage: 򽴫ýns via Lifelong Learning, Outreach, and Community Development Educate remains the same (throughout the three revisions). Discover: was changed back to a single theme instead of the two proposed by Chancellors Cabinet. Prepare stayed the same, accepting the change made by the Chancellors Cabinet. Connect: was revised by the steering committee to read Connect: 򽴫ý Native, Rural and Urban Communities through Contemporary and Traditional Knowledge. And, the last one, which Chancellors Cabinet had changed from Serve to Engage and had added economic development, was changed by the Steering Committee which kept Engage but took out economic and changing it to Community. Dana mentioned Sine Anahita, Pete Pinney and Marsha Sousa (present in the room) who serve on the Accreditation Steering Committee. Dana invited comments from the Senate. Cecile L. mentioned her support for combining scholarship and research themes because the separation seems artificial and contributes to tensions between the liberal arts and the sciences. Amber T. supported keeping those themes together, also. Amber asked about what the distinction is between scholarship and creative activity, and does the institution really need to make a distinction between the two. In her field writing is scholarship, but others often view it as creative activity. She then suggested changing the descriptive term Discover to Enrich. She commented that creative activity could possibly be broken out of that theme, but definitely keep research and scholarship together. Carrie B. commented that its important that creative activity stay with research and scholarship because it gives them equal weight, agreeing with the earlier sentiment that to separate them creates an unnecessary division. She likes the term Discover better than Engage or Inspire. Dana invited the Senate to accept the themes, reject them or revise them. Jon D. mentioned his observation that the first Senate-approved set of themes shares more similarities with the third revised version by the Steering Committee. There was verbal consensus given from those present and participating online that the Discover theme should not be broken out into two themes, but kept together. Jane A. mentioned the difficulty in participating fully without seeing the document being discussed. Jon then said he would like to get feedback from the Senate about the changes to the Serve theme, which is now prefaced with Engage instead. Chancellors Cabinet had added economic development into the theme, but the Steering committee took economic out, making it read: Engage: 򽴫ýns via Lifelong Learning, Outreach, and Community Development. He asked Chancellor to first comment on this change. Chancellor Rogers thanked the Steering Committee for their work on the themes. Hes comfortable with the change to the Connect theme, but admitted being agnostic concerning whether or not research, scholarship and creative activity are combined in one theme or separated out. He did, however, want to make a plea to the Senate and Steering Committee about keeping the economic development wording. He shared three reasons for this: 1.) The first one has to do with our relationship to the Vision Taskforce of two years ago, which had as one of its six themes community engagement and economic development; 2.) We do have a role in economic development which is fundamental to UAFs land grant mission, unlike the other two MAUs; and 3.) The community perception of the university is that economic development is a part of our mission as we stated two years ago we shouldnt let it drop out now. How we engage a community includes having a role in economic development, which includes workforce development, our education role, much of our research role and our extension role. Adding it into the theme sends a good signal to those whose support we need that we understand its part of our role. Rajive G. expressed his support for having economic development included in the theme. Engineering is big on patents and seeding new companies, so he supports the statements made by the Chancellor. 򽴫ýns should recognize UAF as the engine for economic development. Ray Ralonde at SFOS also expressed his full support of this in light of the fact that many agencies want to provide funding for programs and projects that have impact, a main item on their lists being the impact of economic development. Falk suggested a compromise on the wording, sustainable economic development. Ray R and Rajive liked that suggestion. Jon asked for further comments. Anne C. asked what verb were using serve or engage. Susan Henrichs commented on the distinction between the words which imply whether its one-way or two-way process. Engage suggests the idea of working together, while serve suggests that one is from the government, here to help you. Jon mentioned the reversal of wording in the Senate-approved Connect theme compared to the present wording by the Steering Committee. There was general consensus that this was an improvement. Jon asked if anyone wished to propose a motion on the floor about approving the revised themes once again. Jennifer R. made a motion to approve the Steering Committees version with the amendments made on the floor (keeping sustainable economic development. Rajive seconded the motion. The motion was passed with one abstention. X Committee Reports A. Curricular Affairs Ken Abramowicz / Falk Huettmann (Attachment 162/2) Falk mentioned that the Core LEAP discussion is taking all their time at the moment. The academic calendar/summer session topic will be addressed soon. B. Faculty Affairs Jennifer Reynolds (Attachment 162/3) Jennifer mentioned there was resolution to the issue about the AKFWRU faculty. They addressed their role in Faculty Senate and how it relates to other rights and responsibilities they have at UAF via a formal MOU with us. They teach for departments and have faculty appointments, but remain undefined as to their faculty role because they are not university employees they are federal employees. The committee agreed they should be designated affiliate faculty; and they should not be involved in the Senate because theyre not UAF employees. C. Unit Criteria - Brenda Konar (Attachment 162/4) Julie mentioned their review of ANLC/ANLP unit criteria which have been sent back to the unit for revisions. D. Committee on the Status of Women Alex Fitts / Jane Weber (Attachment 162/5) Jane announced the Brown Bag Lunch discussion on the topic What is a family friendly campus? on Nov. 19 from 1-2 PM at the Alumni Lounge. E. Core Review - Latrice Laughlin No report available. F. Curriculum Review - Rainer Newberry No report available. (Rainer was in attendance but had to leave.) G. Faculty Appeals & Oversight Charlie Sparks No report available. H. Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement Josef Glowa, Alex Oliveira No report available. I. Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee Rajive Ganguli Rajive mentioned that members of GAAC will serve as internal curriculum reviewers for the courses coming from the Graduate School, which then come before the entire committee for approval. J. Student Academic Development & Achievement Cindy Hardy (Attachment 162/6) They are in the midst of information gathering for the Student Learning Commons proposal. They are looking at issues of mandatory placement with the writing sample process. K. Ad Hoc Committee: Advisory Research Committee Roger Hansen (Attachment 162/7) Jon mentioned his attendance at the first committee meeting. They want more folks from CLA and CEM. They talked about the role of the committee, and what the role of the VCR should include and what is needed in that position. The vice chancellor title was supported unanimously. Theyll meet with the Chancellor and help with the job announcement development. Members do not have to be Senate representatives to serve on this committee. XI Members' Comments/Questions There were no comments or questions. XII Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 PM.     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